The passage is primarily concerned with
中心句不是第一句,而是前两句,讲的是一个现象:一个曾被认为是很有前途的资源-IT,到了90年代初被发现是大投入小产出的,所谓porductivity paradox。后文就是对这个unexpected的现象的解释。
B是错的。本文是对一个现象的解释。这里面除了那个resource-based theory,没有其他的theory。
Q22 to Q25:
Most pre-1990 literature on busi-
nesses’ use of information technology
(IT)—defined as any form of computer-
Line based information system—focused on
(5) spectacular IT successes and reflected
a general optimism concerning IT’s poten-
tial as a resource for creating competitive
advantage. But toward the end of the
1980’s, some economists spoke of a
(10) “productivity paradox”: despite huge IT
investments, most notably in the service
sectors, productivity stagnated. In the
retail industry, for example, in which IT
had been widely adopted during the
(15) 1980’s, productivity (average output per
hour) rose at an average annual rate of
1.1 percent between 1973 and 1989, com-
pared with 2.4 percent in the preceding
25-year period. Proponents of IT argued
(20) that it takes both time and a critical mass
of investment for IT to yield benefits, and
some suggested that growth figures for
the 1990’s proved these benefits were
finally being realized. They also argued
(25) that measures of productivity ignore what
would have happened without investments
in IT—productivity gains might have been
even lower. There were even claims that
IT had improved the performance of the
(30) service sector significantly, although mac-
roeconomic measures of productivity did
not reflect the improvement.
But some observers questioned why,
if IT had conferred economic value, it did
(35) not produce direct competitive advantages
for individual firms. Resource-based
theory offers an answer, asserting that,
in general, firms gain competitive advan-
tages by accumulating resources that are
(40) economically valuable, relatively scarce,
and not easily replicated. According to
a recent study of retail firms, which con-
firmed that IT has become pervasive
and relatively easy to acquire, IT by
(45) itself appeared to have conferred little
advantage. In fact, though little evidence
of any direct effect was found, the fre-
quent negative correlations between IT
and performance suggested that IT had
(50) probably weakened some firms’ compet-
itive positions. However, firms’ human
resources, in and of themselves, did
explain improved performance, and
some firms gained IT-related advan-
(55) tages by merging IT with complementary
resources, particularly human resources.
The findings support the notion, founded
in resource-based theory, that competi-
tive advantages do not arise from easily
(60) replicated resources, no matter how
impressive or economically valuable
they may be, but from complex, intan-
gible resources.
The passage is primarily concerned with
The number of women directors appointed to corporate boards in the United States has increased dramatically, but the ratio of female to male directors remains low. Although pressure to recruit women directors, unlike that to employ women in the general work force, does not derive from legislation, it is nevertheless real.
Although small companies were the first to have women directors, large corporations currently have a higher percentage of women on their boards. When the chairs of these large corporations began recruiting women to serve on boards, they initially sought women who were chief executive officers (CEO’s) of large corporations. However, such women CEO’s are still rare. In addition, the ideal of six CEO’s (female or male) serving on the board of each of the largest corporations is realizable only if every CEO serves on six boards. This raises the specter of director over-commitment and the resultant dilution of contribution. Consequently, the chairs next sought women in business who had the equivalent of CEO experience. However, since it is only recently that large numbers of women have begun to rise in management, the chairs began to recruit women of high achievement outside the business world. Many such women are well known for their contributions in government, education, and the nonprofit sector. The fact that the women from these sectors who were appointed were often acquaintances of the boards’ chairs seems quite reasonable: chairs have always considered it important for directors to interact (to act upon one another) comfortably in the boardroom.
Although many successful women from outside the business world are unknown to corporate leaders, these women are particularly qualified to serve on boards because of the changing nature of corporations. Today a company’s ability to be responsive to the concerns of the community and the environment can influence that company’s growth and survival. Women are uniquely positioned to be responsive to some of these concerns. Although conditions have changed, it should be remembered that most directors of both sexes are over fifty years old. Women of that generation were often encouraged to direct their attention toward efforts to improve the community. This fact is reflected in the career development (career development: 职业培训) of most of the outstandingly successful women of the generation now in their fifties, who currently serve on corporate boards: 25 percent are in education and 22 percent are in government, law, and the nonprofit sector.
One organization of women directors is helping business become more responsive to the changing needs of society by raising the level of corporate awareness about social issues, such as problems with the economy, government regulation, the aging population, and the environment. This organization also serves as a resource center of information on accomplished women who are potential candidates for corporate boards.
Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
(A) A problem is described, and then reasons why various proposed solutions succeeded or failed are discussed.
(B) A problem is described, and then an advantage of resolving it is offered.
(C) A problem is described, and then reasons for its continuing existence are summarized.
(D) The historical origins of a problem are described, and then various measures that have successfully resolved it are discussed.(B)
(E) The causes of a problem are described, and then its effects are discussed.
resolve resolves resolving resolved
1 To resolve a problem, argument, or difficulty means to find a solution to it. (FORMAL)
We must find a way to resolve these problems before it's too late...
2 If you resolve to do something, you make a firm decision to do it. (FORMAL)
She resolved to report the matter to the hospital's nursing manager...
She resolved that, if Mimi forgot this promise, she would remind her.
VERB: V to-inf, V that
3 Resolve is determination to do what you have decided to do. (FORMAL)
This will strengthen the American public's resolve to go to war.
N-VAR: oft N to-inf
= determination
(c) HarperCollins Publishers.
leeon, 不知道你是不是同意前两句是中心句,Most pre-1990 literature on businesses’ use of information technology (IT)—defined as any form of computer-based information system—focused on spectacular IT successes and reflected a general optimism concerning IT’s potential as a resource for creating competitive advantage. But toward the end of the1980’s, some economists spoke of a “productivity paradox”: despite huge IT investments, most notably in the service sectors, productivity stagnated. 。
比如,一个飞机掉下来了。有人说是因为这个,有人说不对是因为那个。作者跳出来说是因为blabla~。那这篇文章的main idea应该是explain the reason of a aircrash, 而不是作者resolve the disagreement.
我选E不选C的原因主要是c中的那个unexpected findings很模糊,而且一段末尾用了大段的语言阐述了支持IT给企业带来竞争力的观点。anyway,虽然E的答案不是很好,比较起来,选E更加确切一些。
to be discussed.
1 pre-90's:80-90这段时间,这时候的literature说得是一个“预期”,它用了potential advantage,optimism这些词,说明这个时候在IT上投资的实践还不是非常广泛。
2 80’s 结束:也就是90‘s初,实践证明,那些广泛应用IT的工业,诸如零售业,生产效率是下降的。一些经济学家据此提出paradox。这里主要不是观点的对立,而是预期和事实的相左。
3 IT支持者:提出很多理由说明IT就是好,注意这个时候的讨论还是限于industries。比如什么IT的大显身手需要时间,投资,比如没有IT可能经济统计数字会更惨不忍睹,比如宏观经济数据不能反应IT的好处。
4 observer:如果宏观数据不能反应,为什么从微观角度看,单个企业也没有从中得到竞争优势?
5 作者:从resource-based theory的角度解释了那些能把IT资源和其他资源相结合,使之成为不能轻易获得的资源的企业,才能从IT投资中得到竞争优势。
unexpected 就是意想不到的意思。就是说大家一开始觉得用了IT,肯定会提高生产力的,但是意外的是,统计数据并没有体现出来。。。
这就是unexpected findings的意思:出外意料之外的发现
1 pre-90's:80-90这段时间,这时候的literature说得是一个“预期”,它用了potential advantage,optimism这些词,说明这个时候在IT上投资的实践还不是非常广泛。
2 80’s 结束:也就是90‘s初,实践证明,那些广泛应用IT的工业,诸如零售业,生产效率是下降的。一些经济学家据此提出paradox。这里主要不是观点的对立,而是预期和事实的相左。
3 IT支持者:提出很多理由说明IT就是好,注意这个时候的讨论还是限于industries。比如什么IT的大显身手需要时间,投资,比如没有IT可能经济统计数字会更惨不忍睹,比如宏观经济数据不能反应IT的好处。
4 observer:如果宏观数据不能反应,为什么从微观角度看,单个企业也没有从中得到竞争优势?
5 作者:从resource-based theory的角度解释了那些能把IT资源和其他资源相结合,使之成为不能轻易获得的资源的企业,才能从IT投资中得到竞争优势。
thanks philikittiest..矛塞頓開!
i believe c is correct
in b,"presenting a theory" can not be find directly
1 pre-90's:80-90这段时间,这时候的literature说得是一个“预期”,它用了potential advantage,optimism这些词,说明这个时候在IT上投资的实践还不是非常广泛。
2 80’s 结束:也就是90‘s初,实践证明,那些广泛应用IT的工业,诸如零售业,生产效率是下降的。一些经济学家据此提出paradox。这里主要不是观点的对立,而是预期和事实的相左。
3 IT支持者:提出很多理由说明IT就是好,注意这个时候的讨论还是限于industries。比如什么IT的大显身手需要时间,投资,比如没有IT可能经济统计数字会更惨不忍睹,比如宏观经济数据不能反应IT的好处。
4 observer:如果宏观数据不能反应,为什么从微观角度看,单个企业也没有从中得到竞争优势?
5 作者:从resource-based theory的角度解释了那些能把IT资源和其他资源相结合,使之成为不能轻易获得的资源的企业,才能从IT投资中得到竞争优势。
1 pre-90's:80-90这段时间,这时候的literature说得是一个“预期”,它用了potential advantage,optimism这些词,说明这个时候在IT上投资的实践还不是非常广泛。
2 80’s 结束:也就是90‘s初,实践证明,那些广泛应用IT的工业,诸如零售业,生产效率是下降的。一些经济学家据此提出paradox。这里主要不是观点的对立,而是预期和事实的相左。
3 IT支持者:提出很多理由说明IT就是好,注意这个时候的讨论还是限于industries。比如什么IT的大显身手需要时间,投资,比如没有IT可能经济统计数字会更惨不忍睹,比如宏观经济数据不能反应IT的好处。
4 observer:如果宏观数据不能反应,为什么从微观角度看,单个企业也没有从中得到竞争优势?
5 作者:从resource-based theory的角度解释了那些能把IT资源和其他资源相结合,使之成为不能轻易获得的资源的企业,才能从IT投资中得到竞争优势。
我同意本文讲的不是disagreement,所以E不对。但是C "providing an explanation for unexpected findings"就对吗?通篇讲的是超过一个解释和意见。
我觉得A是最准确的,“describing a resource and indicating various methods
used to study it”,首先文中讲了 IT 是一个 resource, 其次接下来各方意见 - some economists, Proponents of IT, some observers and Resource-based theory 次第登场,只是研究方法不同。
to be discussed
不同意。 C表达的非常准确了
In fact, the author provides just ONE explaination--Resourse based theory.
原文L36 Resource-based theory offers an answer。
Proponents of IT argued。。。They also argued。。。There were even claims that。。。
resourse theory 只是回答了关于individual firm的competitive advantage问题。参见
But some observers questioned why,
if IT had conferred economic value, it did
(35) not produce direct competitive advantages
for individual firms. Resource-based
theory offers an answer
但第一段讲的是productivity。Resource theory不是反对第一段的问题,而是解释一个看似parodox的问题,就象CR常说的。
happy to discuss
1 pre-90's:80-90这段时间,这时候的literature说得是一个“预期”,它用了potential advantage,optimism这些词,说明这个时候在IT上投资的实践还不是非常广泛。
2 80’s 结束:也就是90‘s初,实践证明,那些广泛应用IT的工业,诸如零售业,生产效率是下降的。一些经济学家据此提出paradox。这里主要不是观点的对立,而是预期和事实的相左。
3 IT支持者:提出很多理由说明IT就是好,注意这个时候的讨论还是限于industries。比如什么IT的大显身手需要时间,投资,比如没有IT可能经济统计数字会更惨不忍睹,比如宏观经济数据不能反应IT的好处。
4 observer:如果宏观数据不能反应,为什么从微观角度看,单个企业也没有从中得到竞争优势?
5 作者:从resource-based theory的角度解释了那些能把IT资源和其他资源相结合,使之成为不能轻易获得的资源的企业,才能从IT投资中得到竞争优势。
一个字 牛!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 pre-90's:80-90这段时间,这时候的literature说得是一个“预期”,它用了potential advantage,optimism这些词,说明这个时候在IT上投资的实践还不是非常广泛。
2 80’s 结束:也就是90‘s初,实践证明,那些广泛应用IT的工业,诸如零售业,生产效率是下降的。一些经济学家据此提出paradox。这里主要不是观点的对立,而是预期和事实的相左。
3 IT支持者:提出很多理由说明IT就是好,注意这个时候的讨论还是限于industries。比如什么IT的大显身手需要时间,投资,比如没有IT可能经济统计数字会更惨不忍睹,比如宏观经济数据不能反应IT的好处。
4 observer:如果宏观数据不能反应,为什么从微观角度看,单个企业也没有从中得到竞争优势?
5 作者:从resource-based theory的角度解释了那些能把IT资源和其他资源相结合,使之成为不能轻易获得的资源的企业,才能从IT投资中得到竞争优势。
我觉得在做目的性主题题的时候,最主要的还是文章套路,这篇文章糅合了 现象解释问题解释 和 新老观点两个套路,但是最后者我觉得是文章的主线,因为explaination真的只有很少很少的篇幅!
逻辑走向:老观点 - 新发现 - 老观点解释 - 质疑老观点 - 证据支持 - 提出新观点( the frequent negative correlations between IT and performance suggested that IT had probably weakened some firms’ competitive positions.)
1 pre-90's:80-90这段时间,这时候的literature说得是一个“预期”,它用了potential advantage,optimism这些词,说明这个时候在IT上投资的实践还不是非常广泛。
2 80’s 结束:也就是90‘s初,实践证明,那些广泛应用IT的工业,诸如零售业,生产效率是下降的。一些经济学家据此提出paradox。这里主要不是观点的对立,而是预期和事实的相左。
3 IT支持者:提出很多理由说明IT就是好,注意这个时候的讨论还是限于industries。比如什么IT的大显身手需要时间,投资,比如没有IT可能经济统计数字会更惨不忍睹,比如宏观经济数据不能反应IT的好处。
4 observer:如果宏观数据不能反应,为什么从微观角度看,单个企业也没有从中得到竞争优势?
5 作者:从resource-based theory的角度解释了那些能把IT资源和其他资源相结合,使之成为不能轻易获得的资源的企业,才能从IT投资中得到竞争优势。
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