
标题: 大全867 (请指正) [打印本页]

作者: alanz123    时间: 2004-11-19 12:21
标题: 大全867 (请指正)

1.        To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice.

(A) To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice.

(B) To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is comparing the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice.

(C) Comparing the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with ordinary grape juice.

(D) Comparing the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is like comparing the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with ordinary grape juice.A

(E) To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare a fine wine’s bouquet with ordinary grape juice’s bouquet.


还是觉得E最好, A明显有歧义啊. that给人的感觉就是exquisite bouquet. 这里E就没有任何问题.

作者: joe11    时间: 2004-11-19 15:43

E. 最后的  bouquet 不需要,冗长,虽然没有语法错误。

A. that 指的就是 bouquet, 简洁而已。所以答案依旧应该是 A.

作者: alanz123    时间: 2004-11-19 16:01

我觉得应该是选最好的. 虽然E中的bouquet可以省略, 但是A中的that有指exquisite bouquet的嫌疑. 这样就是歧义. 那么E自然就是最好的答案了.

作者: joe11    时间: 2004-11-20 01:16
A. that 指的就是 bouquet, 不指代其他词,怎么会有嫌疑呢?再看看吧。
作者: bigp    时间: 2005-1-24 04:09
以下是引用joe11在2004-11-20 1:16:00的发言:
A. that 指的就是 bouquet, 不指代其他词,怎么会有嫌疑呢?再看看吧
Brother Joe: 能否麻烦您再看看?这道题的确是A中的that指代exquisite bouquet。这样一来,只有E是正确的了。
作者: tania    时间: 2005-8-17 16:47

我也错选了e,但后来分析,觉得是不是这样理解:that一般指代前面的中心词,不包括修饰成分,所以可以认为不会造成歧义,即A中的that不会指代exquisite bouquet,而是指代bouquet。


作者: howardwang    时间: 2005-8-17 17:17



其次,TO  compare to  compare 中的两个to compare的对象应该尽量的平行,无论从形式上,还是逻辑意思上。就像汉语里的比喻一样。A中的两个to compare 后都用 ...OF....明显好些。

再次, a fine wine’s bouquet 这种表达方式应该没有 bouquet of a fine wine好。毕竟,wine是无生命或类似的东东。

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-17 17:17:49编辑过]

作者: 小蓓    时间: 2007-2-14 17:30


作者: 吴羽若    时间: 2008-9-25 14:40
作者: jbc88    时间: 2010-8-29 22:41
我也错选了e,但后来分析,觉得是不是这样理解:that一般指代前面的中心词,不包括修饰成分,所以可以认为不会造成歧义,即A中的that不会指代exquisite bouquet,而是指代bouquet。

-- by 会员 tania (2005/8/17 16:47:00)

作者: jbc88    时间: 2010-8-29 22:45
根据新东方的规律,that 是就近指代的。那就是wine了。
作者: caoqin1981    时间: 2011-9-11 00:06
我觉得应该是E啊,A对的太死板工整了,bouquet of A with that of B,
E更加随意自然啊,难道是应为前面已经有了To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries的of of 形式,所以一定要固定下来吗?到底什么时候可以根据句子意思什么时候根据形式呢?NN们快点来解决

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