谢谢作者: pnz116 时间: 2013-1-9 14:51
你只要注册了账号进入网申系统就有了,两个题目。 1. We would like you to tell us about your post-MBA immediate career goals and how your professional experiences have prepared you to achieve these goals. You may do so by a 300 words written essay or a two-minute video. If you wish to submit a video, you can upload it on YouTube, change the privacy settings to “Unlisted” and email us the URL. Alternatively, you can send in your video to us in a thumbdrive or CD. 2. Please watch a video (http://nuscast.nus.edu.sg/PublicEvents/7/Flashlectureevent2.asp?Key=Yr2012/Prof_Hsieh) of the commencement speech given by Mr Hsieh Tsun-Yan. Mr Hsieh sits on the NUS Business School Management Advisory Board which provides strategic advice to the Dean and the leadership of the school. For Mr Hsieh’s complete profile, please refer to: http://linhartgrp.com/counselors/tsun-yan-hsieh/. What aspect of Mr Hsieh’s speech resonates with you and why? If you were to ask Mr Hsieh one question, what would it be? For Chinese candidates, you may access the same video at http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDc0MDA4OTc2.html. (Word limit – 300 words)