楼主能否举几个典型例子,就是那种选项都很正确的题,拿出来分享一下?作者: 啃玉米的兔子 时间: 2013-1-9 19:32
一般全划线句会相对容易啊~先看主谓是否全,主谓是否一致,如有平行确保平行,modifier。作者: TerraceHo 时间: 2013-1-10 15:42 [by Stacey] 1. Long underlines are an indication that the problem is more likely to be testing meaning and / or modifiers, because both of those issues are easier to test when we can move around or change significant portions of the sentence.【整句話考的SC通常是在考meaning/modifiers】
2. Short underlines don’t give us many clues, and any grammar rules tested will often be on the obscure side. If you’re not sure what to do grammatically, make sure you’re examining meaning as well.【短underlines不會給我們提示很多線索,而且任何在這種情況下考察的語法點都是obscure的!如果你不確定怎樣才可以通過語法做出正確答案的話,就去檢查不同選項meaning的區別 !】