标题: 求教OG13第100题 [打印本页] 作者: 云游 时间: 2013-1-6 21:13 标题: 求教OG13第100题 #100 Heavy commitment by an executive to a course of action, especially if it has worked well in the past makes it likely to miss signs of incipient trouble or misinterpret them when they do appear.
想请教一下C选项 C. An executive who is heavily committed to a course of action is likely to miss or misinterpret signs of incipient trouble when they do appear, especially if it has worked well in the past.
Og中给出的解释是: the reference for the pronoun it is unclear because many nouns have intervened between the appearance of the logical referent (Course of action) and it. 看了下题目,在a course of action和it之间的名词性的成分只有signs of incipent trouble。 个人感觉这个名词性短语的核心成分应该是signs,是一个复数的成分,(eg.all the traits of a person,应该是一个复数的成分), it应该是无法指代的。 这是我的困惑,还希望又人能指点一下,亦或者,这个选项能否从其他的角度进行把握。谢谢啦!?作者: zhangzhenbao 时间: 2013-1-6 21:29
这道题最好用meaning来判断。对句子正确的理解应该是在什么情况下,executive 会出错,而不是execute在什么情况下都会出错,C项不能表达正确的意思。 it的看法,当读完句子,你觉得it应该指代什么呢?应该是heavily committed to a course of action 吧,可句子里没有像样的antecedent来指代,说白了还是meaning的方法。作者: enchanter木 时间: 2013-1-7 00:24 especially if it has worked well in the past.这里我想it想指代的应该是主语executive吧,所以指代错误。作者: 云游 时间: 2013-1-7 10:16
还是有点不明白,仔细读来C的表达并不能感觉到明显Meaning的错误,could u specify that? 我觉得如果要排除只能说是it的指代问题,那难道是incipent trouble的出现使得it的指代ambigious??可是signs of incipent trouble已经被they给指代了啊,我还是不能体会到所谓的ambigious reference的问题~求指教~谢谢作者: 云游 时间: 2013-1-7 10:17
不是的哈,it指代的应该是course of action, 是这样的一种行动方案在过去实施的很好(worked well)~作者: kiwifoodtown 时间: 2013-1-7 10:38
个人觉得,对C选项的错误OG解释的有点问题,它真正的问题在于,it可能错误的指代了incipient trouble。但真正逻辑上,it应该指代的是a course of action。作者: 云游 时间: 2013-1-7 10:43
I think the expression of option C is not wrong in the sense of grammar construction, but from the perspective of rhetorical construction, it would be better if the phrase " especially if it has..." could be placed instantly after the antecedant "course of action" which it refers to.
"An executive who is heavily committed to a course of action, especially if it has worked in the past, is likely to miss or misinterpret signs of incipient trouble when they do appear."作者: 云游 时间: 2013-1-7 11:53
从语法上来说,只能是这样理解了~it 有可能指代incipent trouble从而造成ambiguity~作者: akaa 时间: 2013-1-10 18:49
同意kiwifood的想法, 从位置平行角度,指代An executive,但是这里是it不指人 从逻辑上说,指代 a course of action 从距离来看,指代incipient trouble 所以造成混乱……作者: freeingdu 时间: 2013-1-23 13:09
想问一下这道题的句子说的是个啥意思。。。读了好几遍也没读懂呢。。。。作者: 芳芳钟 时间: 2013-1-23 15:25
其实我觉得排除C选项时,可以不用那么较真于It 指代什么。就是因为It指代不清楚,才使整个句子表达不清楚,所以一看见就可以排除了。作者: Stegosaurus 时间: 2013-1-25 17:25
可是我读下来真的觉得C选项很清楚啊,an executive是人,不可能用it指代,signs of... 是复数,也不能用it指代,所以it只能指代course of action,就搞不懂哪里ambiguous了。。。。。。作者: kiwifoodtown 时间: 2013-1-28 07:38
可是我读下来真的觉得C选项很清楚啊,an executive是人,不可能用it指代,signs of... 是复数,也不能用it指代,所以it只能指代course of action,就搞不懂哪里ambiguous了。。。。。。
-- by 会员 Stegosaurus (2013/1/25 17:25:00)
这里是说it 指代错误是说可能指代了incipient trouble 没说它指代 signs of ,再仔细读两遍句子,就会体会出it的尴尬了。作者: alisakwong 时间: 2014-8-24 17:48
同意akaa的分析,不过距离的那个是不可以的,因为在A of B中,it只能指代A of B,不能指代B(见OG81题的解释)。语法上指代An executive为了平行,而且在不知道性别的情况下,it是可以指代人的(见OG113题的解释).所以现在就是An executive和a course of action混乱了