【以上三本为LSAT三大Bible】 ·LSAT The Official TriplePrep Plus With Explanations(Contains three complete Official PrepTests—真题年份:94.6;94.10;94.12); ·The Official LSAT PreTest 1-10 (Pretest 1-10, 真题年份:91.6-94.2); ·The Official LSAT PreTest 11-20 (Pretest 11-20, 真题年份:94.6-96.10); ·The Official LSAT PrepTest 21-30 (Pretest 21-30, 真题年份:96.12-99.12) ·The Official LSAT PreTest 31-40 (Pretest 31-40, 真题年份:00.6-03.6); ·The Official LSAT PrepTest 41-50 (Pretest 41-50, 真题年份:03.10-06.9); ·The Official LSAT PreTest 51-56 June 2007 (Pretest 51-56, 真题年份:06.12-09.6);
·The Princeton Review《Cracking the LSAT》with Sample Tests on Computer Disk, 1995 Edition(《普林斯顿LSAT评论·破解LSAT》,附机考样题); ·The Official LSAT PrepTest With Explanations(《LSAT官方测试题,附答案解读》); ·The Official LSAT SuperPrep(《LSAT官方超级测试题》); ·How to prepare for the LSAT(《如何准备LSAT》(上下合订本);
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The Official LSAT PrepTest With Explanations(《LSAT官方测试题,附答案解读》); ·The Official LSAT SuperPrep(《LSAT官方超级测试题》); ·How to prepare for the LSAT(《如何准备LSAT》(上下合订本); 分别是多少年份的edition?