标题: 今天看到的一道Logic reasoning的难题 [打印本页] 作者: nyx0313 时间: 2012-12-20 06:47 标题: 今天看到的一道Logic reasoning的难题 A work of architecture, if it is to be both inviting and functional for public use, must be unobtrusive, taking second place to the total environment. Modern architects, plagued by egoism, have violated this precept. They have let their strong personalities take over their work, producing buildings that are not functional for public use. Which one of the statements below follows logically from the statements in the passage? (A) Unobtrusive architecture is both inviting and functional. (B) Modern architects who let their strong personalities take over their work produce buildings that are not unobtrusive. (C) An architect with a strong personality cannot produce buildings that functional well for the public. (D) A work of architecture that takes second place to the environment functions well for public use. (E) A work of architecture cannot simultaneously express its architect’s personality and be functional for public use.
Modern A's take strong P over work->Not functional->Not unobtrusive作者: nyx0313 时间: 2012-12-21 05:07
你选对了答案,可是解释不对 你的conditional reasoning不对
A--> B 只能推出 B --> A (contrapositive), 不能推出 A --> B 作者: DREAMYM 时间: 2013-2-3 01:10
是不是这样 If it is to be both inviting and functional for public use, a work of architecture must be unobstructive. F&I->U, NOT U->NOT F, NOT U->NOT I They (modern architects) have let their strong personalities take over their work, producing building that are not functional for public use. SPTOTW<-> NOT F 所以NOT U->NOT F<->SPTOTW 所以NOT U<->SPTOTW Answer B作者: JDreamer 时间: 2013-2-23 12:37
我觉得你们都忽略了一句话:violate this percept作者: kevin2ff 时间: 2013-5-11 07:29
IMO E. B中是充分必要的逻辑错误作者: sappoh 时间: 2013-5-16 17:42
Just eliminate the losers and get the right answer.
Functional=F, Unobtrusive=U,taking second place to the total environment=TSP
F---->U&TSP, ^U^or^TSP^---->^F^
C.Taking strong personality is different with" let their strong personalities take over their work"
E.The same fault with C,expressing personality doesn't mean " let their strong personalities take over their work"