不过你已经抱完了, 也没关系了, 带好你的 confirmation number 和政见就好了.作者: jonathan_cheung 时间: 2003-7-8 08:50
个人意见,网上报最方便,嘻嘻,我也报了,努力中!作者: lucyyyh 时间: 2003-7-8 10:03
但是好像美国这边TOEFL都是电话报的诶,我也不知道网上行不行. jonathan_cheung 也报名了?呵呵,好啊. 努力打败ETS!作者: jonathan_cheung 时间: 2003-7-8 12:28
谢谢lucyyyh鼓励,我报了8.23,我会努力的作者: njstar 时间: 2003-7-10 01:20
When I use the Internet to apply for the test,How can pay them?I don't know my card whether it can pay the fee in US dollar.作者: lucyyyh 时间: 2003-7-10 01:31
what's kind of card do you have? credit or debit?
I remember that when I called to schedule my date, the person told me that I could use visa,master card or American Express. I think it's maybe the same in internet.作者: njstar 时间: 2003-7-10 05:19
My card is the debit card,I think.It is not visa,master of American Express. And my account is only for Canada Dollar.
作者: lucyyyh 时间: 2003-7-10 08:39
Doesn't your debit card belong to Visa? if it does, the sign " Visa " can be seen on the card.
Anyway, I remember the person asked me whether it's debit card or credit card. So I think debit card can be used to pay the fee, too. Don't worry, you can do step by step according to the illustration.作者: zhifangz 时间: 2003-9-16 04:56