
标题: og65关于wether和if用法的区别 [打印本页]

作者: yuanrui82491    时间: 2004-11-14 01:08
标题: og65关于wether和if用法的区别

65.Critics of the trend toward privately operated prisons consider corrections facilities to be an integral part of the criminal justice system and question if profits should be made from incarceration.

(A) to be an integral part of the criminal justice system and question if

(B) as an integral part of the criminal justice system and they question if

(C) as being an integral part of the criminal justice system and question whether

(D) an integral part of the criminal justice system and question whetherD

(E) are an integral part of the criminal justice system, and they question whether

When consider means “regard as,” as it does in this sentence, its object should be followed immediately by the phrase that identifies or describes that object. Thus, to be in A, as in B, and as being in C produce unidiomatic constructions in the context of the sentence. Also, although if and whether can be used interchangeably after some verbs, question if, which appears in A and B, is unidiomatic, and they in B is unnecessary. E also contains the unnecessary they, and it uses the ungrammatical construction consider... facilities are. Grammatically and idiomatically, sound D is the best choice.

哪位nn能给我讲讲  在og中whether和if的区别?

作者: meixiapeng    时间: 2004-11-14 03:13
if 有是否的意思,但是if从句在句中不能做宾语,whether can。
作者: yuanrui82491    时间: 2004-11-15 00:58
作者: seraphblue    时间: 2005-10-14 13:29 里链接错了,这个不是OG64。
作者: tigercaiqun    时间: 2008-2-26 03:35




另外whether or not是口语表达,在GMAT里一定错.

作者: christy42728    时间: 2008-4-21 14:28
举报,讨论贴里这个弄错了,这个不是OG 64
作者: cuishang11    时间: 2009-5-5 08:30
把我忽悠近来来  看来og64都没人问过阿
作者: wanglizero    时间: 2009-5-5 11:13


consider +as/to be都是错

只能consider A B



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