Issues: 很常见的那个,"Should college/univerisities require their faculties to work outside the academic world in the profession they teach"
我觉得我很二,竟然把题目看错,以为他们是问work outside their field of profession...于是硬扯了一些乱七八糟的东西,差10分钟了眼睛忽然瞄到题目,艾玛!~银家明明问的意思是要不要规定老师们都有一定的工作经验,但是还是要related to the field they teach,并不是我理解的diverse backgroud啊什么扯淡的东西...于是最后那么几分钟瞎改了一下。。。不过后来就安慰自己一战的时候writing已经拿了5,所以这次的writing就当是放了个p吧。。。。大家千万不要犯这种错误,一定要把题目看清楚啊,不然真的真的很想把自己杀死!!
argument: Mozart Music School 那个,关于"arents should consider the Mozart School of Music as their first choice for sending their child. 列举了4个reason“
有个Maple Tree's percentage has increased. What't the reason? Some scientist think the increased atomosphoric carbon dioxide help with photosythesis of Maple Tree. But, the photosynthesis ability of Maple tree may not necessarily be better than oak trees. 然后scientists给了其他的一堆reason, 包括less fire in the forest, unique ability to thrive in young and old forests, deers only eat Maple seeds in the winter...总之这个reading不难,问的问题也不难
然后遇到两个女权主义的文章,尼玛啊!什么women's participation in communities are not real political activities..=_=...姐虽然把题做了但是姐看不懂你这文章到底啥意思!
Some people take Vitamin E because it can help reduce一种病。但研究发现,Vitamin E有两种form, 一种是alpha, 一种是gamma. 一般人吃的维他命E药片都只含有alpha, 但是研究表明alpha是不会帮助reduce 这个病的,真正有用的gamma.,不过一般人正常的饮食已经会补充足够的gamma了。但是文章还是建议药片里面要放gamma, 为什么呢__________.让你从choice 里面选一个能解释。我选的是因为吃多了alpha会减弱gamma, 所以正常食物里吃的gamma会被药片里的alpha减弱,所以药片里加了gamma之后就能补上了。