
标题: GDW24-25 [打印本页]

作者: sereny    时间: 2004-11-13 05:27
标题: GDW24-25

In a 1918 editorial, W.E.B. Du Bois advised African Americans to stop agitating for equality and to proclaim the solidarity with White Americans for the duration of the First World War. The editorial surprised many Africa Americans who viewed Du Bois as an uncompromising African American leader and a chief opponent of the (10) accommodationist tactics urged by Booker, T. Washington. In fact, however, Du Bois often shifted positions along the continuum between Washington and confrontationists (15) such as William Trotter. In 1895, when Washington called on African Americans to concentrate on improving their communities instead of opposing discrimination and agitating for (20) political rights, Du Bois praised Washington’s speech. In 1903, however, Du Bois aligned himself with Trotter, Washington’s militant opponent, less for ideological reasons (25) than because Trotter had described to him Washington’s efforts to silence those in the African American press who opposed Washington’s positions.(20)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances. Du Bois’ accommodationism did not last, however. Upon learning of(/on?) systematic discrimination experienced by African Americans in the military, he called on them to “return fighting” from the war.

24-25: According to the passage, which of the following is true of the strategy that Du Bois’ 1918 editorial urged African Americans to adopt during the First World War?

A) It was a strategy that Du Bois had consistently rejected in the past.

B) It represented a compromise between Du Bois’ own views and those of Trotter.

C) It represented a significant redefinition of the long-term goals Du Bois held prior to the war.

D) It was advocated by Du Bois in response to his recognition of the discrimination faced by African Americans during the war.

E) It was advocated by Du Bois in part because of his historical knowledge of gains African Americans had made during past wars.


作者: sereny    时间: 2004-11-14 10:39


作者: tiantian    时间: 2004-11-15 07:59
作者: tiantian    时间: 2004-11-17 04:23
作者: apple01    时间: 2004-11-17 11:00

reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.

Guess this is it.

作者: wlee2001    时间: 2004-11-24 01:25


作者: 似水年华    时间: 2004-11-27 10:28


文章的意思是非抵抗是W.E.B. Du Bois的一贯主张,只是因为其他原因他才临时改变了主意,所以当1918年他变回一贯主张时大家都吃了一惊。

作者: ashoo    时间: 2004-11-27 14:42


選項A) It was a strategy that Du Bois had consistently rejected in the past.

原文In fact, however, Du Bois often shifted positions along the continuum between Washington and confrontationists (15) such as William Trotter.                   所以A不對

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-27 14:56:49编辑过]

作者: flowerrainn    时间: 2004-11-28 09:22


从文中这句可以看出,D B 一定没有HOLD坚定的主张:In fact, however, Du Bois often shifted positions along the continuum between Washington and confrontationists (15)

那么表叙他以前有不变主张的选项A,C 错.


而在D,E中选择,  而C中in response to his recognition of the discrimination faced by African Americans during the war  ,文中也没说是以为这个他才改变成妥协派的,  

那么就剩E了,这个文章后面可能输入得不是很完整,所以我现在的意见就是答案E .

作者: philikittist    时间: 2004-11-28 14:34


(20)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.




1918:也就是本文讨论的这个时期,bois又支持温和政策,因为the past war taught him that AA could get legal and political advances if they contributed

1918后:文章结尾再次揭露bois老兄的多变,因为战争中的歧视问题,他又要return fighting








作者: flowerrainn    时间: 2004-11-30 05:15


作者: msfox    时间: 2004-12-2 23:55
作者: anitahsu    时间: 2004-12-6 12:04

philikittist 解答的好详细

作者: JerryGuan    时间: 2004-12-11 18:52

佩服phil mm可以从词中看出答案来。。。


24-26: The passage is primarily concerned with

A) identifying historical circumstances that led Du Bois to alter his long-term goals.

B) defining “accommodationism” and showing how Du Bois used this strategy to achieve certain goals.

C) accounting for a particular position adopted by Du Bois during the First World War.

D) contesting the view that Du Bois was significantly influenced by either Washington or Trotter.

E) assessing the effectiveness of a strategy that Du Bois urged African Americans to adopt.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-11 18:55:33编辑过]

作者: philikittist    时间: 2004-12-11 21:42



先不管A用这个可能并不存在的long goal是否恰当。看A落在circumstances上,我就觉得不对。因为中心是a position-1918E。

作者: philikittist    时间: 2004-12-11 21:50
作者: JerryGuan    时间: 2004-12-12 17:39
以下是引用philikittist在2004-12-11 21:50:00的发言:

以前有人同样问我:机灵鼠不是只鼠GG吗? 呵呵

看A落在circumstances上,我就觉得不对。因为中心是a position-1918E。

再一次看出来,phi mm从词中看出乾坤,不得不PF

作者: lj_hq    时间: 2004-12-13 00:10


作者: legendbird    时间: 2005-2-24 05:39
作者: diskdrive    时间: 2005-3-1 08:57


作者: superlin    时间: 2005-3-24 17:04
有人可以幫我解釋第27題嗎 從哪些句子可以判斷答案是B呢??感激啊~~
作者: TakeItEasy1    时间: 2005-5-16 14:09

有人可以幫我解釋第27題嗎 從哪些句子可以判斷答案是B呢?

In 1903, however, Du Bois aligned himself with Trotter, Washington’s militant opponent, less for ideological reasons (25) than because Trotter had described to him Washington’s efforts to silence those in the African American press who opposed Washington’s positions

less for因为意识形态上的原因(W的accommodationist view),than because...

作者: wangyu73cn    时间: 2005-8-21 17:01


In a 1918 editorial, W.E.B. Du Bois advised African Americans to stop agitating for equality and to proclaim the solidarity with White Americans for the duration of the First World War.

The editorial surprised many Africa Americans who viewed Du Bois as an uncompromising African American leader and a chief opponent of the (10) accommodationist tactics urged by Booker, T. Washington.

In fact, however, Du Bois often shifted positions along the continuum between Washington and confrontationists (15) such as William Trotter.

In 1895, when Washington called on African Americans to concentrate on improving their communities instead of opposing discrimination and agitating for (20) political rights, Du Bois praised Washington’s speech.

In 1903, however, Du Bois aligned himself with Trotter Washington’s militant opponent, less for ideological reasons (25) than because Trotter had described to him Washington’s efforts to silence those in the African American press who opposed Washington’s positions.

(20)Reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.

Du Bois’ accommodationism did not last, however.

Upon learning of(/on?) systematic discrimination experienced by African Americans in the military, he called on them to “return fighting” from the war.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-21 17:02:47编辑过]

作者: JessicaCDer    时间: 2005-8-21 21:42





作者: JessicaCDer    时间: 2005-8-21 21:55




作者: sammaijgd    时间: 2005-9-18 11:48
作者: ESeraph    时间: 2005-9-18 17:07
this article is not hard, but confusing.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-18 17:07:01编辑过]

作者: sweetstar    时间: 2005-9-26 14:37


Reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political advances.

作者: fatlara    时间: 2005-9-27 18:30



作者: mmfoolish    时间: 2005-10-1 23:22
作者: ayang1017    时间: 2005-10-2 21:10
以下是引用sweetstar在2005-9-26 14:37:00的发言:


Reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened. African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political advances.

我 怎么觉得那应该有个句号~

作者: PKGMAT    时间: 2005-10-3 16:59


作者: beibei700    时间: 2005-10-4 23:43
NN, thank you so much
作者: nyc_cfa    时间: 2005-10-11 10:51


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-11 10:54:38编辑过]

作者: redyoyo    时间: 2005-10-12 16:56
作者: shadowfax    时间: 2005-10-14 13:27

能不能寄一份, GWD24 给我. lanserlong(A)


作者: libbytt    时间: 2005-11-8 03:36



作者: sunnybest    时间: 2005-11-15 12:53
作者: felix_zheng    时间: 2005-11-22 21:02
作者: icansee83    时间: 2005-12-20 10:45


作者: hotlinda    时间: 2005-12-27 00:46



E) It was advocated by Du Bois in part because of his historical knowledge of gains African Americans had made during past wars.

在文章中定位的那句话是(30)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.

但这道题的问题是问的which of the following is true of the strategy that Du Bois’ 1918 editorial urged African Americans to adopt during the First World War? 如果是发生在一次大战期间的事情,那关past wars什么事情呢? 除非这个wars指的其他很多战争,但文章中并没有提到其他战争啊? 所以我同意选D,但认为答案还是有些缺陷.

作者: wycg    时间: 2006-1-10 14:32
作者: 五大老    时间: 2006-3-6 19:36
以下是引用philikittist在2004-11-28 14:34:00的发言:


(20)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.




1918:也就是本文讨论的这个时期,bois又支持温和政策,因为the past war taught him that AA could get legal and political advances if they contributed

1918后:文章结尾再次揭露bois老兄的多变,因为战争中的歧视问题,他又要return fighting









作者: toeflboy2005    时间: 2006-5-26 04:08
I am still confusing about 27, the answer is B, mine is E
作者: fannyyudan    时间: 2006-6-1 21:10
以下是引用toeflboy2005在2006-5-26 4:08:00的发言:
I am still confusing about 27, the answer is B, mine is E

less for ideological reasons (25) than because Trotter had described to him Washington’s efforts to silence those in the African American press who opposed Washington’s positions       27的定位

A.     It underwent a shift in 1903 for reasons Other than Du Bois’ disagreement with Washington’s accommodationist views.

这里other than 对应less for ... than because....

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-1 21:13:28编辑过]

作者: 梦不落    时间: 2006-6-4 20:21
作者: monabluestone    时间: 2006-6-13 20:16

Furthermore, Du Bois

believed that African Americans’

contributions to past war efforts had

brought them some legal and political

(40) advances.

E.     It was advocated by Du Bois in part

because of his historical knowledge

of gains (African Americans had made)

during past wars.

作者: smileday    时间: 2006-6-20 11:11
以下是引用hotlinda在2005-12-27 0:46:00的发言:



E) It was advocated by Du Bois in part because of his historical knowledge of gains African Americans had made during past wars.

在文章中定位的那句话是(30)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.

但这道题的问题是问的which of the following is true of the strategy that Du Bois’ 1918 editorial urged African Americans to adopt during the First World War? 如果是发生在一次大战期间的事情,那关past wars什么事情呢? 除非这个wars指的其他很多战争,但文章中并没有提到其他战争啊? 所以我同意选D,但认为答案还是有些缺陷.


定位在最後一句:Upon learning of systematic discrimination......

so, pick D.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-20 11:12:06编辑过]

作者: lexie    时间: 2006-7-19 17:24

(30)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.


        (分词状语,逻辑主语为African American' contributions) not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened(修饰pressure),  African Americans'contributions(主语) to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.

开始这句话没有读得很明白 后来发现少了标点符号(,) 然后首字母R应该大写。 不知道理解得对不对?

作者: litperi    时间: 2006-9-15 16:18
以下是引用philikittist在2004-11-28 14:34:00的发言:


(20)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.




1918:也就是本文讨论的这个时期,bois又支持温和政策,因为the past war taught him that AA could get legal and political advances if they contributed

1918后:文章结尾再次揭露bois老兄的多变,因为战争中的歧视问题,他又要return fighting









作者: 晴天小狗    时间: 2006-11-1 22:26

恶心的文章 谢谢

作者: popofeeling    时间: 2007-3-12 15:14






作者: mixtec    时间: 2007-7-15 12:00

作者: snowofjune    时间: 2007-8-27 08:52
作者: myronx    时间: 2007-9-3 22:42
以下是引用monabluestone在2006-6-13 20:16:00的发言:

Furthermore, Du Bois

believed that African Americans’

contributions to past war efforts had

brought them some legal and political

(40) advances.

E.     It was advocated by Du Bois in part

because of his historical knowledge

of gains (African Americans had made)

during past wars.

我也是定位在这个句子上,觉得很合理啊,因为这个句子的下个句子就说,howerver,DB又让黑人兄弟return fighting from the war了,那么也就是说这句说的就是他during the war时候的理由嘛!
作者: ivy861122    时间: 2007-12-11 08:29


Furthermore, Du Bois believed that African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political advances.

A选项中consistently rejected 错

B选项中单看a compromise between Du Bois’ own views and those of Trotter就错,因为Du Bois此时是反对Trorrer的

C选项中的long-term goals,Du Bois根本就没有

D选项中discrimination faced by African Americans during the war使Du Bois called on them to “return fighting” from the war;况且提干中给的是 the strategy that Du Bois’ 1918 editorial urged African Americans to adopt during the First World War使Du Bois做出这种举动的必须是战争之前或战争之中的一些经历。

作者: sch    时间: 2008-3-28 02:03

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-28 2:31:44编辑过]

作者: russellguo    时间: 2008-6-2 11:43
以下是引用philikittist在2004-11-28 14:34:00的发言:


(20)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.




1918:也就是本文讨论的这个时期,bois又支持温和政策,因为the past war taught him that AA could get legal and political advances if they contributed

1918后:文章结尾再次揭露bois老兄的多变,因为战争中的歧视问题,他又要return fighting









作者: SuccessMBA08    时间: 2008-9-2 17:39
以下是引用philikittist在2004-11-28 14:34:00的发言:


(20)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.




1918:也就是本文讨论的这个时期,bois又支持温和政策,因为the past war taught him that AA could get legal and political advances if they contributed

1918后:文章结尾再次揭露bois老兄的多变,因为战争中的歧视问题,他又要return fighting









作者: pensi_112    时间: 2008-11-22 15:39
但是还有一个疑问就是,在讲1903:支持激进派的T,因为T和他讲了W的行径这个change 后,哪里看出来它后面讲的又是 1918年的行为了啊?我一开始读上去还以为文章的内容是以1918年的一个政策改变引出bois是个善变的人以及他的种种变化。请问从哪看出后面还是回归到1918年去了啊?
作者: guting109    时间: 2008-12-15 18:58
原来是借助变来变去讲一个观点啊 厉害!!
作者: zjpopo    时间: 2009-1-15 19:34
作者: 中国故乡的云    时间: 2009-3-11 18:54

GWD24-passage three
Du Bois在一战前后的政治立场(黑人领袖墙头草)难!

In a 1918 editorial, W.E.B. Du Bois advised African Americans to stop agitating for equality and to proclaim the solidarity with White Americans for the duration of the First World War. The editorial surprised many Africa Americans who viewed Du Bois as an uncompromising African American leader and a chief opponent of the (10) accommodationist tactics urged by Booker, T. Washington. In fact, however, Du Bois often shifted positions along the continuum between Washington and confrontationists (15) such as William Trotter. In 1895, when Washington called on African Americans to concentrate on improving their communities instead of opposing discrimination and agitating for (20) political rights, Du Bois praised Washington’s speech. In 1903, however, Du Bois aligned himself with Trotter, Washington’s militant opponent, less for ideological reasons (25) than because Trotter had described to him Washington’s efforts to silence those in the African American press who opposed Washington’s positions,(30)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened.
            African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances. Du Bois’ accommodationism did not last, however. Upon learning of(/on?) systematic discrimination experienced by African Americans in the military, he called on them to “return fighting” from the war.

Du Bois在一战前后的观点变来变去。





文章脉络比较复杂,我一直把Washington 当成地点来看了,难怪理解偏差。、原来这个DB是个现实派,才会左右摇摆。看图更清晰:


T (对抗派强人)       DB(墙头草)             W(妥协派龟孙子)

                                                                                    1895 表扬W

1903T  联盟





24-25: According to the passage, which of the following is true of the strategy that Du Bois’ 1918 editorial urged African Americans to adopt during the First World War?

A) It was a strategy that Du Bois had consistently rejected in the past.

反着说,In fact, however, Du Bois often shifted positions along the continuum between Washington and confrontationists (15) such as William Trotter.


B) It represented a compromise between Du Bois’ own views and those of Trotter.

无关。1918的事情与T无关,张冠李戴。   原文说的是:The editorial surprised many Africa Americans who viewed Du Bois as an uncompromising African American leader and a chief opponent of the (10) accommodationist tactics urged by Booker, T. Washington.


C) It represented a significant redefinition of the long-term goals Du Bois held prior to the war.

无关。上下乱窜 & 发着说,这个long-term goals

reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response


D) It was advocated by Du Bois in response to his recognition of the discrimination faced by African Americans during the war.


E) It was advocated by Du Bois in part because of his historical knowledge of gains African Americans had made during past wars.

排除前面4个后,我也很困惑,E 为什么对?这个E里说的内容是文章结尾处说的?貌似与1918无关?


24-26: The passage is primarily concerned with

A) identifying historical circumstances that led Du Bois to alter his long-term goals.

反着说,原文说此人没有long-term goals

B) defining “accommodationism” and showing how Du Bois used this strategy to achieve certain goals.


C) accounting for a particular position adopted by Du Bois during the First World War.


D) contesting the view that Du Bois was significantly influenced by either Washington or Trotter.


E) assessing the effectiveness of a strategy that Du Bois urged African Americans to adopt.



24-27: The passage indicates which of the following about Du Bois’ attitude toward Washington?

A) It underwent a shift during the First World War as Du Bois became more sympathetic with Trotter’s views.


B) It underwent a shift in 1903 for reasons other than Du Bois’ disagreement with Washington’s accommodationist views.

1903, however, Du Bois aligned himself with Trotter, Washington’s militant opponent, less for ideological reasons (25) than because Trotter had described to him Washington’s efforts to silence those in the African American press who opposed Washington’s positions,


C) It underwent a shift as Du Bois make a long-term commitment to the strategy of accommodation.


D) It remained consistently positive even though Du Bois disagreed with Washington’s efforts to control the African American press.


E) It was shaped primarily by Du Bois’ appreciation of Washington’s pragmatic approach to the advancement of the interests of African Americans.


reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened


作者: lyyjane    时间: 2009-9-10 10:35


作者: silencia1025    时间: 2010-4-4 17:05
作者: yaoyaoling    时间: 2010-5-27 20:10
但是还有一个疑问就是,在讲1903:支持激进派的T,因为T和他讲了W的行径这个change 后,哪里看出来它后面讲的又是 1918年的行为了啊?我一开始读上去还以为文章的内容是以1918年的一个政策改变引出bois是个善变的人以及他的种种变化。请问从哪看出后面还是回归到1918年去了啊?
-- by 会员 pensi_112 (2008/11/22 15:39:00)


In 1903, however, Du Bois aligned himself with Trotter, Washington’s militant opponent, less for ideological reasons than because Trotter had described to him Washington’s efforts to silence those in the African American press who opposed Washington’s positions. reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure: government officials had threatened African American journalists with censorship if they continued to voice grievances. Furthermore, Du Bois believed that African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political advances. Du Bois’ accommodationism did not last, however. Upon learning of systematic discrimination experienced by African Americans in the military, he called on them to “return fighting” from the war.

作者: silvia03    时间: 2010-10-1 11:01

24-26: The passage is primarily concerned with

A) identifying historical circumstances that led Du Bois to alter his long-term goals.

反着说,原文说此人没有long-term goals

B) defining “accommodationism” and showing how Du Bois used this strategy to achieve certain goals.


C) accounting for a particular position adopted by Du Bois during the First World War.


D) contesting the view that Du Bois was significantly influenced by either Washington or Trotter.


E) assessing the effectiveness of a strategy that Du Bois urged African Americans to adopt.


-- by 会员 中国故乡的云 (2009/3/11 18:54:00)


C) accounting for a particular position adopted by Du Bois during the First World War.

文章一直都在说这个人变来变去<----正是这句解释跟A PARTICULAR POSITION(一个确定的立场)矛盾。
就算尽管选项把时间范围限定在during the First WW (1914-1918),而文章的最开头也确实说他在这期间有一个确定的立场,但是后面大篇幅的都是在说他在更大的时间范围内怎么怎么样倒来倒去,所以不能说这个选项是全文主旨。

D) contesting the view that Du Bois was significantly influenced by either Washington or Trotter.

shifted positions along thecontinuum between W and T} 也具了例子说一会儿他受W的影响这样了(1895),一会儿受T影响那样了(1903)。所以说他significantly influenced by 这两个人完全不过分。
另:我觉得contesting的意思其实就跟general的arguing, evaluating差不多

作者: buffonjuventus    时间: 2010-10-14 14:27
作者: yfan2    时间: 2010-11-15 11:24
最后一句:Upon learning of systematic discrimination experienced by African Americans in the military, he called on them to “return fighting” from the war.
文章开始时1918年,然后从1895年开始,一直走到1903年,Du Bois学了些这方面的事件,他做出了该文章开头他提出的strategy。。。

作者: angzheyao    时间: 2010-12-26 11:49
这篇文章运用了倒叙插叙的手法。。。1918声明的原因其实有两个,一个是social pressure, 另一个就是他认为African amarican 战争时做得贡献使他们权利方面得到提升(选项D)。(原文Reflectied not...到... political advances)
作者: rainbow582    时间: 2011-2-24 00:33
我是觉得,如果E对,那么这些人看到骑墙哥有了这个新的‘advise’不该surprise啊,因为(E)It was advocated by Du Bois in part because of his historical knowledge of gains African Americans had made during past wars,这个答案解释了骑墙哥为什么advise黑哥们别再为维权闹腾,而是和白兄弟们来一个solidarity,那既然这样,为什么这个advise会让人surprise呢?还是不通。不过相比较其他几项略好些。应该没有正确答案。再说其实从文中推不到E这个结论,没有直接的逻辑联系。
作者: Raymond_GMAT    时间: 2011-3-7 11:23
作者: ceecn2000    时间: 2011-6-8 03:34
作者: ceecn2000    时间: 2011-6-8 03:51
In a 1918 editorial, W.E.B. Du Bois advised African Americans to stop agitating for equality and to proclaim the solidarity with White Americans for the duration of the First World War. The editorial surprised many Africa Americans who viewed Du Bois as an uncompromising African American leader and a chief opponent of the accommodationist tactics urged by Booker, T. Washington. In fact, however, Du Bois often shifted positions along the continuum between Washington and confrontationists such as William Trotter. In 1895, when Washington called on African Americans to concentrate on improving their communities instead of opposing discrimination and agitating for political rights, Du Bois praised Washington’s speech. In 1903, however, Du Bois aligned himself with Trotter Washington’s militant opponent, less for ideological reasons than because Trotter had described to him Washington’s efforts to silence those in the African American press who opposed Washington’s positions.

Du Bois’ wartime position thus reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ journalists with censorship if they continue to voice grievances. Furthermore, contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political advances. Du Bois’ accommodationism did not last, however. Upon learning of systematic discrimination experienced by African Americans in the military, he called on them to “return fighting” from the war.

作者: Cherry妃    时间: 2011-7-23 13:50
作者: 克克里斯蒂    时间: 2011-9-19 17:15
(20)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.
1918:也就是本文讨论的这个时期,bois又支持温和政策,因为the past war taught him that AA could get legal and political advances if they contributed
1918后:文章结尾再次揭露bois老兄的多变,因为战争中的歧视问题,他又要return fighting
-- by 会员 philikittist (2004/11/28 14:34:00)


It represented a significant redefinition of the long-term goals Du Bois held prior to the war.
回归到原文:reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure:我觉得这个貌似残缺的句子应该是指着其上文Du Bosi观点在1903年发生改变说的。
也就是说Du Bosi的观点虽然在Washington和Trotter之间摇摆不定,但是他的long-term goal从未曾改变过,只是迫于现实会在不同情况下选择更实际的那个观点。

It was advocated by Du Bois in part because of his historical knowledge of gains African Americans had made during past wars. 如果说对应原文Furthermore, Du Bois believed that African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political advances. 那么E中的because of表达的因果关系从原文哪里能看出来呢?毕竟是according to the passage题目,没道理答案中很关键的因果关系在文章中都找不到吧。


作者: 克克里斯蒂    时间: 2011-9-19 17:39
In a 1918 editorial, W.E.B. Du Bois advised African Americans to stop agitating for equality and to proclaim the solidarity with White Americans for the duration of the First World War. The editorial surprised many Africa Americans who viewed Du Bois as an uncompromising African American leader and a chief opponent of the accommodationist tactics urged by Booker, T. Washington. In fact, however, Du Bois often shifted positions along the continuum between Washington and confrontationists such as William Trotter. In 1895, when Washington called on African Americans to concentrate on improving their communities instead of opposing discrimination and agitating for political rights, Du Bois praised Washington’s speech. In 1903, however, Du Bois aligned himself with Trotter Washington’s militant opponent, less for ideological reasons than because Trotter had described to him Washington’s efforts to silence those in the African American press who opposed Washington’s positions.

Du Bois’ wartime position thus reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ journalists with censorship if they continue to voice grievances. Furthermore, contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political advances. Du Bois’ accommodationism did not last, however. Upon learning of systematic discrimination experienced by African Americans in the military, he called on them to “return fighting” from the war.

-- by 会员 ceecn2000 (2011/6/8 3:51:58)

C. 我之前把redefinition理解错了。。。。应该是“重新定义”的意思哦 跟原文矛盾啦
E. 中的because of 因果关系我也找到了
第二段原文:Du Bois’ wartime position thus reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government
officials had threatened African Americans’ journalists with censorship if they
continue to voice grievances. Furthermore, contributions to past war efforts had
brought them some legal and political advances.
第一句主干是wartime position reflected...a pragmatic respoonse. 也就是对采取该

作者: sfps01    时间: 2011-9-21 16:50
作者: channel006    时间: 2012-9-28 14:16
思路: 按开篇顺寻1918年,开篇说BIO 提出观点,让黑人怎么怎么样,however,他之前并不是这么想的,从1895年开始,文章中间接着说,BIO怎么在W和T之间动摇和改变,的,所以最后BIO又变了,即回归开头1918。所以第一题 一个关键词就是redefinition。表示 “又”  符合作者对BIO同志的表述
作者: 371989728    时间: 2012-10-14 16:31
作者: dingminjie    时间: 2013-1-20 12:59
作者: cheungwenhao    时间: 2013-6-18 15:50
这样理解:BD这个黑哥儿本质是一直帮助黑帮的,只是作者觉得这黑哥们不老实,投机,但实质一致是为黑帮争取利益,文章对A这件事发表了对BD的看法,随后这看法基于a,b 两件事,随后就用中文说:“喏,你看他又来了!”E
作者: geroro    时间: 2013-8-24 08:36
10楼分析的好 只有用排除法了么
作者: 朝花不夕拾    时间: 2017-9-6 17:01
作者: 逆影    时间: 2017-12-10 22:43
flowerrainn 发表于 2004-11-28 09:22
今天做了这篇,发现找不到好的解释,大家来一起讨论一下,我又仔细读了文章,我是这么看的:从文中这句可以看出, ...

作者: 带阿咪阿毛读phd    时间: 2018-12-11 17:44
philikittist 发表于 2004-11-28 14:34
不知道这是哪个gwd里的,以前没做过,我觉得这个句子是不是错了:没有主语,断句也不对吧。不过应该是这个 ...


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