Prep2012-Pack1-CR-016 VCR007831 Easy Fashion company executive: The number of competing brands of clothing is increasing much more quickly than is consumer demand for new clothing. As a result, it is becoming ever more for our clothing company to keep consumers focused on our products. To increase our sales, therefore, our company plans to introduce innovative, eye-catching lines of clothing much more frequently. To evaluate whether the plan described by the executive would be likely to achieve its goal, it would be most useful to know which of the following? A. Whether other, competing clothing companies will more frequently introduce newlines of clothing B. To what extent consumers’ attention tends to be focused on innovative, eye-catching products in other industries C. Why the number of competing brands of clothing is increasing more quickly than consumer demand for new clothing D. How much more likely most consumers are to buy innovative, eye-catching lines of clothing than they are to buy conventional, familiar clothing E. Whether the executive's company is currently selling any innovative and eye-catching fines of clothing作者: beihorse 时间: 2012-11-27 11:22
Prep2012-Pack1-CR-013 VCR006844 Easy Traces of cultivated emmer wheat have been found among the earliest agricultural remains at many archaeological sites in Europe and Asia. The only place where the wild form of emmer wheat has been found growing is a relatively narrow strip of southwest Asia. Since the oldest remains of cultivated emmer wheat yet found are from village sites in the same narrow strip, it is clear that emmer wheat was first domesticated somewhere in that strip. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument? A. The present-day distribution of another wild wheat, einkorn, which was also domesticated early in the development of agriculture, covers a much larger area of southwest Asia. B. Wild emmer wheat can easily be made to yield nearly as much as modern domestic strains. C. At the time when emmer wheat was first cultivated, it was the most nutritious of all the varieties of grain that were then cultivated. D. In the strip where wild emmer wheat has been found, climatic conditions have changed very little since before the development of agriculture. E. It is very difficult, without genetic testing, to differentiate the wild form of emmer wheat from a closely related wild wheat that also grows in southwest Asia.作者: beihorse 时间: 2012-11-27 13:15
一声叹息,PREP数学还是做三四道题做不完,还是49。作者: zhujia200607 时间: 2012-11-27 13:18
过两天考试 各种没复习 紧张 又没动力复习 唉。。。。作者: 暮已央 时间: 2012-11-27 13:44
大家加油!在考前一定还是心态最重要!!!我感觉一战的时候就是太紧张了,做神马都看不进去想不出来,VERBAL部分真的是低到了尘埃里···我觉得应该是心理因素导致了发挥不稳定,不过实力不够肯定也是原因,那几个月一直很努力,该做的该总结的一个没漏,出分的那一瞬间我几乎觉得自己要崩溃啊~~~面对马上要考的二战,我现在的想法就一个:淡!定!吧!作者: sparklelynn 时间: 2012-11-27 15:02
我prep数学有时42 有时47 但是我两次考试都是Q50 (到不了51啊 哭~~~)好好看JJ啊作者: minarose 时间: 2013-1-6 10:37
我也在职,建了个群 240202016 欢迎交流, 请不要怪我打广告,确实想跟大家交流,在职真心不易啊。。。