但我困惑的是“the 4,000 acadians”。
(1)在manhattan forum上面看到Ron如下說:
[the + numerical expression] indicates that these items/people/whatever are everything that exists. 就是說[the + numerical expression]表示的是expression裏面的noun的所有數量。見下例:
e.g. 1
three witnesses to a crime does not imply that there are only three witnesses
The three witnesses to a crime implies that those are the only three people who were witnesses.
(2)另外,在MANHATTAN里看到這樣說的:the personal pronouns
it and
they/them indicate
definiteselection of an entire object or collection.
然後後面的例句是:After walking by
the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat
如果根據MANHATTAN所說它們要知道definite selection of an entire object or collection的話,我覺得their指代the 4000 acadians貌似要比cajuns合理,因為acadians前面有the,並且4000已經是他們全部的數量了。
希望看到的童鞋能夠share ur ideas!! 很想知道我這個想法有木有問題!!
-- by 会员 TerraceHo (2012/11/25 16:13:03)
但我困惑的是“the 4,000 acadians”。
(1)在manhattan forum上面看到Ron如下說:
[the + numerical expression] indicates that these items/people/whatever are everything that exists. 就是說[the + numerical expression]表示的是expression裏面的noun的所有數量。見下例:
e.g. 1
three witnesses to a crime does not imply that there are only three witnesses
The three witnesses to a crime implies that those are the only three people who were witnesses.
(2)另外,在MANHATTAN里看到這樣說的:the personal pronouns
it and
they/them indicate
definiteselection of an entire object or collection.
然後後面的例句是:After walking by
the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat
如果根據MANHATTAN所說它們要知道definite selection of an entire object or collection的話,我覺得their指代the 4000 acadians貌似要比cajuns合理,因為acadians前面有the,並且4000已經是他們全部的數量了。
希望看到的童鞋能夠share ur ideas!! 很想知道我這個想法有木有問題!!
-- by 会员 TerraceHo (2012/11/25 16:13:03)
不過OG裏面只是說了“The sentence describes the Cajun language as 17c French”,並沒有解釋原因。
-- by 会员 TerraceHo (2012/11/25 16:18:34)
TerraceHO 同学~ 根据我做题经验~ 此经验屡试不爽。曼哈顿中 似乎也有 涉及~ 记忆不清了
我覺得在兩個noun都貌似符合meaning的前提下,如果是選cajuns的話,是因為subject優先。但我困惑的是“the 4,000 acadians”。(1)在manhattan forum上面看到Ron如下說:[the + numerical expression] indicates that these items/people/whatever are everything that exists. 就是說[the + numerical expression]表示的是expression裏面的noun的所有數量。見下例:e.g. 1 three witnesses to a crime does not imply that there are only three witnessesThe three witnesses to a crime implies that those are the only three people who were witnesses.代入題目就是,全部acadians就是4000個。(2)另外,在MANHATTAN里看到這樣說的:the personal pronouns and indicate然後後面的例句是:After walking by so many times, Roger finally had to eat .如果根據MANHATTAN所說它們要知道definite selection of an entire object or collection的話,我覺得their指代the 4000 acadians貌似要比cajuns合理,因為acadians前面有the,並且4000已經是他們全部的數量了。但是找了很久,都沒有找到support俺這個想法的材料。希望看到的童鞋能夠share ur ideas!! 很想知道我這個想法有木有問題!!謝謝!!
原來OG上面有說答案的!汗...不過OG裏面只是說了“The sentence describes the Cajun language as 17c French”,並沒有解釋原因。仍然困頓...難道subject優先就一定是cajun嗎?求nn解答,謝!
TerraceHO 同学~ 根据我做题经验~ 此经验屡试不爽。曼哈顿中 似乎也有 涉及~ 记忆不清了分号 、逗号+and, 逗号+but (如果都代表新的一句句子的开始)那么 紧跟后面的 代词 (its, their..)指代的 都是前一句 句子的 主语!
我覺得在兩個noun都貌似符合meaning的前提下,如果是選cajuns的話,是因為subject優先。但我困惑的是“the 4,000 acadians”。(1)在manhattan forum上面看到Ron如下說:[the + numerical expression] indicates that these items/people/whatever are everything that exists. 就是說[the + numerical expression]表示的是expression裏面的noun的所有數量。見下例:e.g. 1 three witnesses to a crime does not imply that there are only three witnessesThe three witnesses to a crime implies that those are the only three people who were witnesses.代入題目就是,全部acadians就是4000個。(2)另外,在MANHATTAN里看到這樣說的:the personal pronouns and indicate然後後面的例句是:After walking by so many times, Roger finally had to eat .如果根據MANHATTAN所說它們要知道definite selection of an entire object or collection的話,我覺得their指代the 4000 acadians貌似要比cajuns合理,因為acadians前面有the,並且4000已經是他們全部的數量了。但是找了很久,都沒有找到support俺這個想法的材料。希望看到的童鞋能夠share ur ideas!! 很想知道我這個想法有木有問題!!謝謝!!
原來OG上面有說答案的!汗...不過OG裏面只是說了“The sentence describes the Cajun language as 17c French”,並沒有解釋原因。仍然困頓...難道subject優先就一定是cajun嗎?求nn解答,謝!
TerraceHO 同学~ 根据我做题经验~ 此经验屡试不爽。曼哈顿中 似乎也有 涉及~ 记忆不清了分号 、逗号+and, 逗号+but (如果都代表新的一句句子的开始)那么 紧跟后面的 代词 (its, their..)指代的 都是前一句 句子的 主语!
-- by 会员 TerraceHo (2012/11/26 1:09:41)