gmat 一般不会只考 rather 的用法啦,他肯定会有别的错误的~ it depends on the question..
rather than 可以这么用: 比如这个电视实在太不好看了,连我这个不喜欢复习的人都宁愿去复习~
This show is so bad that I'd rather study than watch it.
But rather, 呢就是
This is a good essay, but rather long.
我解释的不好 sorry 尽力了 >_< 我觉得是一种感觉啦要因题而异
-- by 会员 dearyuli (2012/11/15 13:58:19)
rather than多用于比较结构,前后对象要对等
-- by 会员 MiaZhang (2012/11/15 18:19:51)