请教楼主,国内的申请者如果被录取都会电话和邮件同时通知么?作者: autumnbubble 时间: 2012-11-13 10:02
congratulations!作者: nianlun021 时间: 2012-11-13 15:14
恭喜。 借宝地一问,今天上午面试,中午回到办公室干活所以还没来得及发thank you letter。结果下午interviewer已经把报告交掉了, which is super fast. But does that mean I ruined the interview and the interviewer has nothing to say about me in the report?作者: davidliuzhibo 时间: 2012-11-13 16:18
congrats!!!作者: 叶之舞 时间: 2012-11-14 08:16
恭喜。 借宝地一问,今天上午面试,中午回到办公室干活所以还没来得及发thank you letter。结果下午interviewer已经把报告交掉了, which is super fast. But does that mean I ruined the interview and the interviewer has nothing to say about me in the report?