; 請確定the answer is D ?, I think there's nothing wrong with it.
真的很感谢yongchou,你的关于adj+adj+n.让我想起当年,记住这种有些古怪的形式,我特地用“ little small apple"来记,可惜年老记衰,偶竟然把它给忘了。
关于第八题,我更愿意接受你的解释。我想起了某个课堂上老师特别强调的这种用法。need + doing. 但是很不好意思地问:need do 这种用法对吗?我印象中好像need to do, need do 都是可以的。
作者: 困难是弹簧 时间: 2003-7-6 22:55
作者: yongchou 时间: 2003-7-6 23:17
" need do " , you mean " need + V ", right ?
Yes, "need" can be used as an auxillary verb too.---like "must", can,..., they all + V.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-7-6 23:17:09编辑过]
作者: guoguo 时间: 2003-7-6 23:38
以下是引用yongchou在2003-7-6 23:17:00的发言:
" need do " , you mean " need + V ", right ?
Yes, "need" can be used as an auxillary verb too.---like "must", can,..., they all + V.
作者: guoguo 时间: 2003-7-6 23:40
以下是引用困难是弹簧在2003-7-6 22:55:00的发言:
作者: yongchou 时间: 2003-7-7 07:39
Yes, I think 弹簧兄 wins the admiration and high regard we hold for him not only because he is considerate and hard-working, but he is also modest and honest.
作者: guoguo 时间: 2003-7-7 11:00
以下是引用yongchou在2003-7-7 7:39:00的发言:
Yes, I think 弹簧兄 wins the admiration and high regard we hold for him not only because he is considerate and hard-working, but he is also modest and honest.
totally Agree! 向弹簧兄致敬!
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