
标题: Feifei逻辑13【未解决!求教】 & 23 [打印本页]

作者: akaa    时间: 2012-11-3 18:56
标题: Feifei逻辑13【未解决!求教】 & 23

错题若显弱智,请各位不要嫌弃! 先为同志们献上雷鸣般的掌声!~


13. In 1712 the government of Country Y appointed a censor to prohibit the publication of any book critical of Country Y’s government; all new books legally published in the country after 1712 were approved by a censor. Under the first censor, one half of the book manuscripts submitted to the censor were not approved for publication. Under the next censor, only one quarter of the book manuscripts submitted were not approved, but the number of book manuscripts that were approved was the same under both censors. If the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following can be properly concluded from them?

A.    More books critical of Country Y’s governments were published before the appointment of the first censor than after it.
B.    The first censor and the second censor prohibited the publication of the same number of book manuscripts.
C.    More book manuscripts were submitted for approval to the first censor than to the second.
D.    The second censor allowed some book manuscripts to the published that the first censor would have considered critical of Country Y’s government.
E.    The number of writers who wrote unpublished manuscripts was greater under the first censor than under the second.

因为 1/2第一任审核的=3/4第二任审核的
所以 第一任审核的=3/2第二任审核的

那么 第一任没通过的=1/2第一任审核的=3/2第二任审核的=2第二任没通过的

【为了弥补我的过失在第17层 重新整理了本题,希望大家见谅!】【求助】我还有问题!!选项A为什么错了?

23. On a certainday, nine scheduled flights on Swift Airlines were canceled. Ordinarily, acancellation is due to mechanical problems with the airplane scheduled for acertain flight. However, since it is unlikely that Swift would have themechanical problems with more than one or two scheduled flights on a singleday, some of the nine cancellations were probably due to something else.

The argument depends on which one of the following assumptions?

A.      More than one or two airplaneswere scheduled for the nine canceled flights.
B.       Swift Airlines has fewer mechanical problems than doother airlines of the same size.
C.       Each of the canceled flightswould have been longer than the average flight on Swift Airlines.
D.      Swift Airlines had never beforecanceled more than one or two scheduled flights on a single day.
E.       All of the airplanes scheduledfor the canceled flights are based at the same airport.

参考答案:A 采用取非法。这个选项让我读不太懂

作者: akaa    时间: 2012-11-3 20:55
作者: Yingmillie    时间: 2012-11-3 21:15
E:我觉得是wrote 和submit的区别。。。(不知道这样想对不对)。。。写了不一定会submit然后去通过censor。。。文中没有说所有write了critical文章的人都去submit了,所以我们不知道write的惹到底是多了还是少了。
作者: Yingmillie    时间: 2012-11-3 21:19
第二个我觉得题目说的有点问题。如果说是unlikely.....more than one or two airplaneson a single day....而不是 scheduled flights 。。即不可能多于一架或两架的飞机一起有技术问题,那么A取非,即九个航班里,有多于两架的飞机。。。。
作者: akaa    时间: 2012-11-3 21:40
作者: akaa    时间: 2012-11-3 21:47
第二个我觉得题目说的有点问题。如果说是unlikely.....more than one or two airplaneson a single day....而不是 scheduled flights 。。即不可能多于一架或两架的飞机一起有技术问题,那么A取非,即九个航班里,有多于两架的飞机。。。。
-- by 会员 Yingmillie (2012/11/3 21:19:04)

作者: Yingmillie    时间: 2012-11-3 22:00
第二个我觉得题目说的有点问题。如果说是unlikely.....more than one or two airplaneson a single day....而不是 scheduled flights 。。即不可能多于一架或两架的飞机一起有技术问题,那么A取非,即九个航班里,有多于两架的飞机。。。。
-- by 会员 Yingmillie (2012/11/3 21:19:04)

-- by 会员 akaa (2012/11/3 21:47:52)


作者: Yingmillie    时间: 2012-11-3 22:02
作者: akaa    时间: 2012-11-4 08:31
作者: Yingmillie    时间: 2012-11-4 12:02
-- by 会员 akaa (2012/11/4 8:31:05)

作者: akaa    时间: 2012-11-4 12:54
作者: Yingmillie    时间: 2012-11-4 13:07
-- by 会员 akaa (2012/11/4 12:54:05)

作者: wqeehom    时间: 2012-11-5 05:21
第一任没通过的(1/2 of submitted)=2倍第二任没通过的不就是可以说 第一批比第二批submitted的多些吗?
作者: akaa    时间: 2012-11-5 08:42
你说的是对的,我开始也这么想。Millie的解释是 选项里说的是write(文章中没有提到)不等于submit,这两个一大一小

另外还有一点, E选项:writer(主语)怎样怎样,而文章的内容主要讨论manuscript submitted 和 cencor的关系,有些出入。
作者: sweetzhuo    时间: 2012-11-12 19:24
作者: 九尾    时间: 2012-11-20 20:18
However, since it is unlikely that Swift would have themechanical problems with more than one or two scheduled flights on a singleday, some of the nine cancellations were probably due to something else. 中的scheduled flights 按照答案的解释应该是指飞机 这样才能说得通 但是混淆性太大 因为和之前的scheduled flights 其实并不是一个东西 我觉得如果换成airplane才更合理

本题的关键在于弄懂 plane 和 flight 并不是一个东西
作者: akaa    时间: 2012-11-23 18:59
第一题答案是C!!不好意思,写错了! 我改掉
作者: akaa    时间: 2012-11-23 19:21
再看一遍发现第一题 还是很多遗漏和自己都没看清的地方


设第一年上交 A, 第二年上交B

第一年1/2上交 没通过-> 1/2上交 通过
第二年1/4上交 没通过-> 3/4上交 通过
1/2 A= 3/4 B
所以 A=3/2 B

A.      More books critical of CountryY’s governments were published before the appointment of the first censor thanafter it.
B.       The first censor and the secondcensor prohibited the publication of the same number of book manuscripts.
     第一年没通过的是 1/2A=3/4B, 第二年没通过的是 1/4B
     所以第一年没通过的 >第二年没通过的。 选项错误

C.       More book manuscripts were submitted for approval to the first censor than to the second.
         A=3/2B , 选项正确

D.      The second censor allowed somebook manuscripts to the published that the first censor would have consideredcritical of Country Y’s government.
E.       The number of writers who wrote unpublished manuscriptswas greater under the first censor than under the second.
          虽然如选项C:第一年没通过的作品 >第二年没通过的作品。
          但是这里说的是 writer数量 而不是 作品数量,所以与题目无关。


作者: akaa    时间: 2012-11-23 19:27
to 九尾,

对的! 这里很容易看不懂,我当时就是flight和plane没有分清,所以感觉选项都是再说火星语。。。
作者: akaa    时间: 2012-11-23 19:51

作者: akaa    时间: 2012-11-24 10:02
顶顶        第一题的A选项错在哪里~?

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