
标题: 专业方向介绍系列之五: Management [打印本页]

作者: lewis    时间: 2003-7-6 08:47
标题: 专业方向介绍系列之五: Management
尽管MBA 申请不象其它master program那样强调专业方向, 但由于每个申请人的工作背景和职业目标还是多有确定的取向的; B-School在录取人的特点上以及课程设置上也充分考虑到专业发展方向的问题. 下面继续给大家介绍B-School一般的专业课程设置.
作者: lewis    时间: 2003-7-6 08:50
Management Departments encompass strategic and entrepreneurial management, as well as the management of people and organizations across national and cultural borders. The department offers course work and educational experience to students who desire to exercise leadership in their management careers, with major challenges and responsibilities in private, public, and not-for-profit organizations, large or small. In its teaching, the Management Department takes an eclectic approach, drawing on the most useful elements of the various management theories and integrating them to achieve a mixture of theoretical, analytical, and applied research and courses. The breadth and scope of the offerings in the department, the opportunities for associating with faculty of distinction and experience, and the career possibilities of each area should be considered by those interested in majors and by those investigating elective courses.

Majors are available in the following fields:

Entrepreneurial Management
Human Resource and Organizational Management
Multinational Management
Strategic Management

作者: lewis    时间: 2003-7-6 08:51
The Entrepreneurial Management major provides MBA students with skills, analytical tools, perspectives, and experiences which prepare him/her for a career as an autonomous entrepreneur, a family-business entrepreneur, or an entrepreneur in a corporate setting. Whether a student wants to start a business while in School, join an emerging business, or set the ground work to launch a new firm later in his/her career, the program aims to prepare students for these exciting options. Entrepreneurial skills and thinking are actively sought by more competitive and profitable growing businesses. The special strength of this program is that it combines theory with practice, providing students the opportunity to test the theories, models, and strategies learned in the classroom by creating real business plans, working on other field projects, and gaining access and insight from leaders in the entrepreneurial business community.

作者: lewis    时间: 2003-7-6 08:51
The Human Resource and Organizational Management major is designed to acquaint students with the leading edge of theory and practice in industrial relations, organizational behavior, change management and personnel management. It is intended to attract students with different sets of career objectives: (1) those whose focus is in human resource management and who see their futures as serving in this function in private- or public-sector enterprise, (2) those whose focus is organizational change and anticipate acting as change agents whether internally or as consultants and(3)those whose predominant pre-MBA work experience is technical in nature and who are interested in obtaining more depth in the behavioral side of organization and management and its institutional structure.

作者: lewis    时间: 2003-7-6 08:52
The premise underlying the MBA program in multinational management is twofold: (1) A large majority of MBAs will have management careers in firms that compete in global markets, and (2) MBAs who achieve positions of leadership in those firms will be able to manage effectively in both national and international arenas.

The purpose of the multinational management program is the preparation of students for management positions in international companies ranging from small firms to global corporations, and for administrative positions in government agencies and international organizations that have responsibilities relating to multinational business. As a result, this major focuses on the management of international firms that must operate in worldwide and heterogeneous national environments under conditions of economic and political risk.

作者: lewis    时间: 2003-7-6 08:53
The focus of this major is on managing the entire organization. This top-management perspective is primarily long-term and broad, going beyond the organization's internal operations to include consideration of environment, competitors, markets, regulations and society. Emphasis is on environmental scanning, planning and control, allocation of resources, evaluation of strengths and weaknesses, appraisal of present and future competition, and implementation of chosen strategies. The major in Strategic Management is designed to help students understand why general management is different from the management of any one particular function of an organization, and to provide them with the knowledge for pursuing a career in general management.

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