讲代词的时候,曼哈顿说those和that指代前方出现过名词时,不能改变单复数,如: Her company is outperforming those of her competitors. 错。 这种情况只能将those替换成the companies。 Her company is outperforming the companies of her competitors. 对。
后来讲到比较,有一个例句: My car is bigger than Brian's . 其中括号里的car可以省略。 我想问的是,如果想比较的前后两个名词在单复数上是不一致的,如: Our cars are all bigger than his car. 那么是否可以省略后面的car呢? 即,名词比较中的省略是否应该和“用those、that代替的名词省略”原则一样,要前后一致才可以省略?作者: DUKB24 时间: 2012-10-15 10:32
i think u r right in this issue
though it seems that GMAT never test such use of possessiveness作者: 袁小狒Yedda 时间: 2012-10-15 11:10