
标题: prep2012里关于which指代的问题求教 [打印本页]

作者: arleneyau    时间: 2012-10-11 20:33
标题: prep2012里关于which指代的问题求教
Roughly twice each century the planet Venus passes between the Earth and the Sun, an occasion known
as a transit of Venus, during which it makes the outline of the planet visible in stark relief.
A. during which it makes the outline of the planet
B. during which the outline of the planet becomes
C. so that it makes the outline of the planet
D. such that during which the of the planet becomes
E. such that the outline of the planet becomes

为什么这里的which可以跳跃指代occasion呢?A of B,which结构不是就近指代吗?
作者: sisichen666    时间: 2012-10-11 22:30
during which明显表达的是一段时间内——对应occasion,并且LZ可以注意下其实后面都是occasion的修饰语occasion(known as。。。。),during which。。。
作者: arleneyau    时间: 2012-10-11 22:36
during which明显表达的是一段时间内——对应occasion,并且LZ可以注意下其实后面都是occasion的修饰语occasion(known as。。。。),during which。。。
-- by 会员 sisichen666 (2012/10/11 22:30:17)

作者: DUKB24    时间: 2012-10-11 23:19
Roughly twice each century the planet Venus passes between the Earth and the Sun, an occasion known
as a transit of Venus, during which it makes the outline of the planet visible in stark relief.
A. during which it makes the outline of the planet
B. during which the outline of the planet becomes
C. so that it makes the outline of the planet
D. such that during which the of the planet becomes
E. such that the outline of the planet becomes

为什么这里的which可以跳跃指代occasion呢?A of B,which结构不是就近指代吗?
-- by 会员 arleneyau (2012/10/11 20:33:47)

as here set up an equation

an occasion referred here is exactly a transit of Venus

so the use of which can be construed to modify occasion or a transit of Venus;both will make sense
作者: arleneyau    时间: 2012-10-12 08:34
Roughly twice each century the planet Venus passes between the Earth and the Sun, an occasion known
as a transit of Venus, during which it makes the outline of the planet visible in stark relief.
A. during which it makes the outline of the planet
B. during which the outline of the planet becomes
C. so that it makes the outline of the planet
D. such that during which the of the planet becomes
E. such that the outline of the planet becomes

为什么这里的which可以跳跃指代occasion呢?A of B,which结构不是就近指代吗?
-- by 会员 arleneyau (2012/10/11 20:33:47)

as here set up an equation

an occasion referred here is exactly a transit of Venus

so the use of which can be construed to modify occasion or a transit of Venus;both will make sense
-- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/10/11 23:19:47)

那像这题The commission proposed that funding for the park's development, which could be open to the public early next year, is obtained through a local bond issue.

A.that funding for the park's development, which could be open to the public early next year, is
B.that funding for development of the park,which could be open to the public early next year, be
C.funding for the development of the park, perhaps open to the public early next year, to be
D.funds for the park's development,perhaps open to the public early next year, be
E.development funding for the park, which could be open to the public early next year, is to be

这里的which是指代the park不是development of the park,和a transit of Venus是不是类似呢?还是有啥不同所以which在前面那题才能指代整个A of B名词?
作者: sisichen666    时间: 2012-10-12 08:42
作者: sisichen666    时间: 2012-10-12 08:46
作者: arleneyau    时间: 2012-10-12 09:28
谢谢你哦~我看了,觉得帖子开头“从属关系“A of Bwhich”中的which就近修饰紧邻的名词B”就是这个意思。。。后面有一个特例说:“有人这里会说这不是A of Bwhich吗?which应该紧邻修饰啊?其实不然,因为of 1968和前面的那些A of B实际上用法不一样,这里是表示时间而不是从属关系。这个时间应该归在介词结构一类,所以要跳过。”,但是the transit of Venus明显还是从属关系的。。和the production of prostacyclin 以及The survival of coral colonies是一类,所以我还是不明白这里为什么和之前的题不一样。。
-- by 会员 sisichen666 (2012/10/12 8:42:11)

作者: DUKB24    时间: 2012-10-12 09:38
谢谢你哦~我看了,觉得帖子开头“从属关系“A of Bwhich”中的which就近修饰紧邻的名词B”就是这个意思。。。后面有一个特例说:“有人这里会说这不是A of Bwhich吗?which应该紧邻修饰啊?其实不然,因为of 1968和前面的那些A of B实际上用法不一样,这里是表示时间而不是从属关系。这个时间应该归在介词结构一类,所以要跳过。”,但是the transit of Venus明显还是从属关系的。。和the production of prostacyclin 以及The survival of coral colonies是一类,所以我还是不明白这里为什么和之前的题不一样。。
-- by 会员 sisichen666 (2012/10/12 8:42:11)

-- by 会员 arleneyau (2012/10/12 9:28:05)



作者: arleneyau    时间: 2012-10-12 09:39
-- by 会员 sisichen666 (2012/10/12 8:46:51)

我突然想到会不会因为这里用的是during which而不是直接的which,所以during在这里是一个跳跃修饰的cue?就和之前的“Emily Dickinson’s letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson ,which were written ...”一样,were也是个跳跃修饰的cue~
作者: sisichen666    时间: 2012-10-12 09:40
其实是这样子的,LZ不能只局限于前面的这个短语,要看前面的整个句子的结构,在判断which到底是修饰N,还是错误修饰句子啊。。。。如果没有错误修饰句子,那咱再来看which修饰就近n还是跳跃修饰——我想强调的是,lz不要只看the transit of V,要看前面的整个结构,甚至是逻辑句意,再来判断which
作者: sisichen666    时间: 2012-10-12 09:43
an occasion known as a transit of Venus您看看这本来就是known后面部分后置定语修饰occasion,其核心是occasion呀。。。。。
作者: arleneyau    时间: 2012-10-12 09:43
谢谢你哦~我看了,觉得帖子开头“从属关系“A of Bwhich”中的which就近修饰紧邻的名词B”就是这个意思。。。后面有一个特例说:“有人这里会说这不是A of Bwhich吗?which应该紧邻修饰啊?其实不然,因为of 1968和前面的那些A of B实际上用法不一样,这里是表示时间而不是从属关系。这个时间应该归在介词结构一类,所以要跳过。”,但是the transit of Venus明显还是从属关系的。。和the production of prostacyclin 以及The survival of coral colonies是一类,所以我还是不明白这里为什么和之前的题不一样。。
-- by 会员 sisichen666 (2012/10/12 8:42:11)

-- by 会员 arleneyau (2012/10/12 9:28:05)



-- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/10/12 9:38:24)

恩恩~~确实。。就题论题才是,我之前是不清楚such that 的具体用法,又感觉which指代是个很经典的问题,所以选错了~现在大致想明白了~谢啦~
作者: DUKB24    时间: 2012-10-12 09:45
谢谢你哦~我看了,觉得帖子开头“从属关系“A of Bwhich”中的which就近修饰紧邻的名词B”就是这个意思。。。后面有一个特例说:“有人这里会说这不是A of Bwhich吗?which应该紧邻修饰啊?其实不然,因为of 1968和前面的那些A of B实际上用法不一样,这里是表示时间而不是从属关系。这个时间应该归在介词结构一类,所以要跳过。”,但是the transit of Venus明显还是从属关系的。。和the production of prostacyclin 以及The survival of coral colonies是一类,所以我还是不明白这里为什么和之前的题不一样。。
-- by 会员 sisichen666 (2012/10/12 8:42:11)

-- by 会员 arleneyau (2012/10/12 9:28:05)



-- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/10/12 9:38:24)

恩恩~~确实。。就题论题才是,我之前是不清楚such that 的具体用法,又感觉which指代是个很经典的问题,所以选错了~现在大致想明白了~谢啦~
-- by 会员 arleneyau (2012/10/12 9:43:13)

Bymerging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their shareof the country's $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a marketranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks.

A.their share of the country's $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10percent, a market ranging
B.from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in thecountry, which ranges 10 percent from 6 percent in their share of the $21 billion book market inthe country, a market ranging its share, from 6 percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market inthe country, which ranges 10 percent from 6 percent its share of the country's $21 billion bookmarket, which ranges

classic example here
作者: arleneyau    时间: 2012-10-12 09:45
an occasion known as a transit of Venus您看看这本来就是known后面部分后置定语修饰occasion,其核心是occasion呀。。。。。
-- by 会员 sisichen666 (2012/10/12 9:43:12)

作者: arleneyau    时间: 2012-10-12 09:48
谢谢你哦~我看了,觉得帖子开头“从属关系“A of Bwhich”中的which就近修饰紧邻的名词B”就是这个意思。。。后面有一个特例说:“有人这里会说这不是A of Bwhich吗?which应该紧邻修饰啊?其实不然,因为of 1968和前面的那些A of B实际上用法不一样,这里是表示时间而不是从属关系。这个时间应该归在介词结构一类,所以要跳过。”,但是the transit of Venus明显还是从属关系的。。和the production of prostacyclin 以及The survival of coral colonies是一类,所以我还是不明白这里为什么和之前的题不一样。。
-- by 会员 sisichen666 (2012/10/12 8:42:11)

-- by 会员 arleneyau (2012/10/12 9:28:05)



-- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/10/12 9:38:24)

恩恩~~确实。。就题论题才是,我之前是不清楚such that 的具体用法,又感觉which指代是个很经典的问题,所以选错了~现在大致想明白了~谢啦~
-- by 会员 arleneyau (2012/10/12 9:43:13)

Bymerging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their shareof the country's $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a marketranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks.

A.their share of the country's $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10percent, a market ranging
B.from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in thecountry, which ranges 10 percent from 6 percent in their share of the $21 billion book market inthe country, a market ranging its share, from 6 percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market inthe country, which ranges 10 percent from 6 percent its share of the country's $21 billion bookmarket, which ranges

classic example here
-- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/10/12 9:45:36)

作者: sisichen666    时间: 2012-10-12 09:50
作者: arleneyau    时间: 2012-10-12 09:53
-- by 会员 sisichen666 (2012/10/12 9:50:19)

作者: alicezyk    时间: 2012-10-12 16:46
作者: arleneyau    时间: 2012-10-16 10:55
-- by 会员 alicezyk (2012/10/12 16:46:11)

作者: AnnieFFish    时间: 2016-9-27 13:23

CD的书把A的it改编成了the sun

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