
标题: 询问一道恐龙灭绝和行星撞地球(逻辑)题 [打印本页]

作者: yli161    时间: 2012-10-7 23:19
标题: 询问一道恐龙灭绝和行星撞地球(逻辑)题
原题是:Iridium, a hard, whitish metal similar to platinum, is extremely rare on Earth. Extremely high concentrations of iridium on Earth result
from only two scenarios: massive volcanic eruptions that release iridium from deep within the Earth and meteorites that shower down on Earth from space. When scientists found concentrations of iridium 30 times higher than normal in rock stratum from 65 million years
ago, they concluded that a massive meteor or comet hit the Earth and caused the massive extinction of the dinosaurs.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the scientist’s conclusion?

A. Volcanoes massive enough to generate high concentrations of iridium are very rare.
B. Massive volcanic eruptions occurred frequently 80 million years ago.
C. Most scientists support the hypothesis that a cosmic impact wiped out the dinosaurs.
D. The massive extinction that occurred 70 million years ago killed not only the dinosaurs but also 70 percent of all life on Earth.
E. A comet struck the earth some 120 million years ago, but no widespread extinction occurred.

作者: yli161    时间: 2012-10-7 23:22
Re: Iridium from meteors and comets: Need help [#permalink]
Sun May 22, 2011 10:08 pm
Here is the explanation provided by the guide:

Answer: B. This is a strengthen question. Its conclusion and premises are:
Premises: (1) Extremely high concentrations of iridium on Earth result from only two scenarios: massive volcanic eruptions that release iridium from deep within the Earth and meteorites that shower down on Earth from space. (2) Scientists found concentrations of iridium 30 times higher than normal in rock stratum from 65 million years ago.
Conclusion: A massive meteor or comet hit the Earth and caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs.

According to the premises, there are two possible causes of high iridium levels. But the conclusion states that one of the causes—a meteor— was definitely the culprit. So the assumption must be that there was not a volcanic eruption that caused the extinction. Once again, you have a causal argument, but now you are going to strengthen it. In order to do so, you should look for answers that rule out other possible causes. Choice B strengthens the argument by showing that volcanic eruptions occurred frequently before the extinction, but the dinosaurs continued to live. Thus, it is unlikely that the extinction was caused by a volcano and more likely that a meteor caused it. Choice A doesn’t go far enough. Even if the volcanoes are rare, the extinction could have been caused by just one eruption. Choice C doesn’t strengthen the argument. Other scientists’ support of the hypothesis doesn’t address the connection between the conclusion and the premise. Choice D has nothing to do with the argument, while choice E weakens the argument by indicating that a previous comet strike did not lead to an extinction.



作者: littlekii    时间: 2012-10-8 00:01

如果是B的话    80M 之前大量的  MASSIVE V 会导致 I的增多 这不就 WEAKEN 了结论了吗
作者: yli161    时间: 2012-10-8 00:33
Choice B strengthens the argument by showing that volcanic eruptions occurred frequently before the extinction, but the dinosaurs continued to live. Thus, it is unlikely that the extinction was caused by a volcano and more likely that a meteor caused it. Choice A doesn’t go far enough. Even if the volcanoes are rare, the extinction could have been caused by just one eruption.


作者: bedrop    时间: 2012-10-9 11:36
作者: Channery    时间: 2012-10-9 16:18
A. Volcanoes massive enough to generate high concentrations of iridium are very rare.

作者: novaleilei    时间: 2012-10-11 01:01
作者: jasondang    时间: 2012-10-11 04:15
这道题选A。通常逻辑题,我们只要能证明或者否定它的假设,我们就能加强或否定它的结论。这道题的前提条件是concentrations of iridium 30 times higher than normal in rock stratum from 65 million years ago,那么作者推出结论的假设就是,这种high concentration 的iridium不是由火山爆发而是由彗星撞地球得来的。那么,我们如果可以找到一个能够证明这个假设的选项,那么就可以加强作者的结论。显而易见,答案是A,因为只有这个选项极大削弱了high concentration的iridium是火山爆发得来的可能性。B选项的问题在于,它与我们结论的假设无关,也就是说它没有考虑到iridium concetration的问题,虽然从另一个角度也说的过去(尽管我觉得80million 和 65million年代差的也挺久的),但是没有从根本上支持到作者的假设,所以不是最佳选项。
作者: 不如阿帕斯    时间: 2012-12-6 21:46

作者: lxtbkl    时间: 2012-12-7 14:18
作者: lxtbkl    时间: 2012-12-7 14:18
作者: 红衫骁将    时间: 2013-7-2 20:28
yli161 发表于 2012-10-8 00:33
Choice B strengthens the argument by showing that volcanic eruptions occurred frequently before the ...

作者: peculiar615    时间: 2014-8-19 21:58

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