basically, it's ok to omit "that" if the sentence is still legitimately parallel without it.
for instance:
food that is nutritious for cats but that is poisonous for dogs
food that is nutritious for cats but is poisonous for dogs
food that is nutritious for cats but poisonous for dogs
all correct.
hand signs that natives use and that appear in local rituals --> correct.
these are both
that-clauses that modify "hand signs", so the parallel structure works.
hand signs that natives use and appear in local rituals --> INCORRECT.
the second of these doesn't work because the right-hand component of the parallel structure is appear in local rituals (i.e., active verb whose subject is "hand signs"). there is no verb in the left-hand side that is parallel to this, so this makes no sense.
the only verb on the left is "use", which is NOT parallel to "appear" -- the former is something that natives do, while the latter is something that the hand signs do.-- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/10/1 9:25:42)
你应该是想说that引导定语从句做宾语的时候可以省略吧?that引导宾语从句的时候只有很少几个动词后面可以省略,如say, announce,其余的动词基本都不能省略。