my name is ....,i'm a transfer ,i will study in the UA.and后面还没讲,她就要我不用说了。
VO:how old are u? me:19..她好像没听到,又说了一遍。(惊讶中,问我这个问题)。
VO:have you been abroad before ? me:no, i haven't.
VO:what are you doing now ? Me: i‘m a student of CSUFT.
VO:why do you want to be a transfer to America ? Me:because i want to take full advantge of the 4 years , in myprevious school,the teaching approah just lecture ,and the knowledge i get from the school can not apply to social work,but in America....还没讲完,她说不用讲了。
VO:what's your major ? me: i major in pre-business.
过程: VO:你好。 me:递材料夹子,goodafternoon,officer. my name is ...i'm a transfer,i will to go study in the UA. ...还没说完。。他说。 VO:which u? me:UA. 在电脑上敲字,应该知道我是两天前才被拒签的。看到他眉头有点皱。。 马上对他说 Me: 把offer举起来,would u want to see the offer ? 他点头,把专业课的offer 放在语言课的上面,在他边看的时候边解释说。 me: my major of the language course is second language learning ,and my major of the bachelor course is pre-business.(解释清楚,担心以前就是因为这个原因拒签的) VO:howlong will u stay there? me:2months,(因为I20上是写的2个月,一定要与I20一致。)看到他点了点头,马上说‘BUT,when i complete the language course ,i will study the bachelor course ,so approximately 3 years.’手上也比划出3 的样子。
VO:who will support you? me: my parents. VO:how 's their income? me: above 300thosands each year. VO:what your parents do? me:my father has a own company. VO:are there some material can certificate ? me:马上翻资料,并且说‘wait for a moment .’ 先给了个收入证明,看到袋子里有营业执照。马上拿出来问他‘do u want to see this?’(忘记营业执照怎么说了) 他点了点头,递了进去。 又看到还有验资报告。继续问‘do u want to see this ?’(也忘记验资报告怎么说) 他还是点了点头,继续递进去。 当时由于紧张,脑袋完全糊里糊涂。突然想到不是应该用存款证明,房产证什么的来证明吗。。 马上拿出银行存款证明问‘DO U want to see the bank statement ?’ 他说‘NO.’ 拿着营业执照 验资报告看了好久。 我看到最开始的袋子里有全家福。马上拿出来说 ‘this is my family photo, this is my father ,my mother and me.’ 他看了下照片,笑了一下貌似似乎好像。然后继续研究营业执照。 敲字敲了好久。。 生怕又像上次一样,敲了半天字在我以为没事的时候说'sorry', 等待的无限漫长, 最后他说了3个让我解脱了的字 ‘通过了’,用着匀速的语气,不缓不慢,面无表情。 我欣喜若狂。 抱着一堆的东西走了。 突然想到I20好像没给我,(要是没有I20,要让学校重新寄,很麻烦) 马上转回来(那时他已经在和两个探亲的在谈话了。) ‘sorry,sorry, my i20’(舌头打结,i20想了半天,差点说成i two zero.) 他把我的夹子拿来翻了翻,示意我说没有。 我又仔细在我那堆资料里翻了翻。发现在,不知道什么时候滴出来了。 马上点头说‘sorry,sorry.’ 抱着一堆东西,下楼,向老爸报告好消息。拥抱。 打的去和平饭店,去外滩照相,完全是我们这一路来签证的样子,背着大包小包,拿着水,资料。原封不动的全部照在里面。