
标题: 求助大牛解答GWD 一语法~~~~~~~~ [打印本页]

作者: jy043    时间: 2012-9-27 16:32
标题: 求助大牛解答GWD 一语法~~~~~~~~
The cottontail rabbit population in Orange County, California, has increased unchecked in recent years as a result of the removal of the native fox population and the clearing of surrounding woodlands.a

A.    years as a result of the removal of
B.    years as a result of removing
C.    years, resulting from the removing of
D.    years, which is result of removing
E.    years, which is a result of the removal of

这题我选的C,为什么答案是选A呢? removal 和后面的clearing明显不平行呀,而且C答案逻辑也并没有做呀。不懂。
作者: 颐昕诺    时间: 2012-9-27 16:47
我认为 平行 就是要词性一致呀~~remove  的名词 是 removal  ~~~clear 的名词 是clearing。 英语里,有名词的就直接用,没有的才会加ing 变成动名词。所以 removal 肯定用着 更地道啊~~

就像 比如Hate 你想不起来 非要写hating  肯定估计有人看得懂~~但是 放着 hatred 就应该 先用 人家本身就有的词嘛~~
至于 resulting from 应该还是  as a result of  简洁吧~~

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