Caterpillars of all species produce an identical hormone called "juvenil hormone" that maintains feeding behaviour. Only when a caterpillar has grown to the right size for pupation to take place does a special enzyme halt the production of juvenile hormone. This enzyme can be synthesized and will, on being ingested by immature caterpillars, kill them by stopping them from feeding.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the view that it would not be advisable to try to eradicate agricultural peswts that go through a caterpillar stage by spraying croplands with the enzyme mentioned above?
B. Many agricultural pests do not go through a caterpillar stage.
C. Many agriculturally beneficial insects go through a caterpillar stage.(key)
请教NN,此题该怎样做问题分析?为什么我觉得B C都是在取非?
You have to know what the question is about. It specifically asks about killing pests that go through caterpillar stage. So the answer only need to focus on such pests. Even if there is only one species of pest going through such stage, C is still correct.
You think B is correct because you did not get the question right. If the question asks about killing pests at large, B might be right.
I am not sure whether I am clear enough. Let me give you a simple example:
Tim will do anything for money. So I can pay him to paint my house. You cannot argue that most people would not paint your house for money because the argument is about Tim specifically, not anybody else.
对于此题用out of scope的想法排除B我有点疑惑.全文讨论的是Caterpillars that go through a caterpillar state. 如果not go through a caterpillar 不在讨论范围之类, 那么Many agriculturally beneficial insects 也应该out of scope呀?
多谢lawyer的指点! 请帮忙看我下面的理解对不对:
我打算养只猫在家里逮老鼠可不可行: 讨论的是用某种工具逮老鼠的可行性.
讨论的中心议点不同, 所以out of scope.是这样吗? 我又有一个问题: irrelevant也是讨论的中心点和提干不一致,那么和out of scope的区别是什么? 我的理解是out of scope的选项中心点和要讨论的中心点有一定的关系,但还差了步没走到议点,所以具有迷惑性: 如家里有无老鼠决定了要不要用某种工具逮老鼠, 再下一步才是用某种工具逮老鼠的可行性问题. 而irrelevant的选项就是完全无关, 如有选项说, 现在地球上的老鼠主要以垃圾为生.
我的理解不知到对不对, 还请指教, 谢谢!
2。现在在用IRRELEVANT和OUTOF SCOPE一定意义上是相同的。细分对做题意义不大。不过如果你觉得对你有帮助你就继续用,因为各人不同。
3。我对OUT OF SCOPE的理解是和结论的特殊性无关,即结论在谈论某个特殊的问题(这有时要结合选项的方向),选项却是另一个问题,不可能对结论起作用。我目前还无法将这个概念量化。
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