If then结构中,主句从句主被动要一致。(OG说的,不太理解,记住好了)
先行词不能离代词太近,arm it, it不能指代arm
-- by 会员 yakev6 (2012/9/26 20:58:55)
先行词不能离代词太近,arm it ,it不能指代arm,大叔。。。这句话怎么理解呢。。。是因为if then的原因,还是直接理解成“因为先行词arm紧接it代词,导致it不能指代arm??
参照manhattan sc guide,第12章
4. Proximity The pronoun should refer to the closest eligible antecedent. Note that there is such an idea as “too close.” In the sentence
In the station house IT is considered taboo, the IT cannot refer to station house. The antecedent normally occurs earlier in the sentence. Rarely, the antecedent may come shortly after the pronoun (e.g., After he dried his tears, Jack made a vow). However, you should usually place the antecedent first.
-- by 会员 yakev6 (2012/9/26 21:29:11)
so ga~~~~~~先回去看完M再做题好了...谢啦...