标题: 语法请教 [打印本页]
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-21 16:05
标题: 语法请教
Elk now live almost solely in the Rocky Mountains, which would make it seem that elk are mountain dwellers, while they once ranged over virtually all of the continental United States except for a small strip in the extreme Southwest.
A. Elk now live almost solely in the Rocky Mountains, which would make it seem that elk are mountain dwellers, while
B. The fact that elk now live almost solely in the Rocky Mountains would make it seem that they are mountain dwellers, but
C. It would seem that elk would be mountain dwellers because of their living now solely almost in the Rocky Mountains, but still
D. Now living almost solely in the Rocky Mountains, it would seem that elk were mountain dwellers, although
E. It seems that elk would be mountain dwellers from the fact that they now live solely almost in the Rocky Mountains, since
Gas hydrates, chemical compounds of water and natural gas, are increasingly being studied for their potential to be huge reservoirs of energy, possibly causing sea floor instability, and significant contributors to global warming.
to be huge reservoirs of energy, possibly causing sea floor instability, and
to be huge reservoirs of energy, possibly causing sea floor instability, and even as
as huge reservoirs of energy, possibly causing sea floor instability, and
as huge reservoirs of energy, and the possible cause of sea floor instability,
as huge reservoirs of energy, as possible causes of sea floor instability, and even as
Answer: E.
To identify the Level of Generality for each sentence in a paragraph, we can assign a value ranging from 0–4 or more as follows
不知道为什么这儿有for 我觉得应该用of 指句子的概括性,如果这儿用for那它在这儿是什么意思呢?
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-21 16:06
because of 后可以接what从句,但是不能接其它that从句,更不能接省略引导词的从句
because of sth 不能作表语,这时可以用due to
但是当主语不是名词而是代词时,because of 亦可作表语
His absence was because of the rain.
正:His absence was due to the rain.
正:He was absent because of the rain.
但是有时若主语是代词(不是名词),也可以用 because of 引出的短语作表语。如:
It is just because of money. 那只是因为钱的原因。
That was because of his sickness. 那是因为他生病的原因。
bit little
bit 接名词(可数?不可数?)需要of little 不用
当用 be borne by
生育之外的意思是用borne ; the task were borne on our shoulder.
was born in…………
since可用于省略句;Since so, we……
for为并列连词,because ,as since 为从属连词,当不表示原因而表示补充和推断时要用for
关于 for:是并列连词(其余三者为从属连词),它有时可表示因果关系(通常要放在主句之后,且可与 because 换用); 有时不表示因果关系,而是对前面分句内容的解释或推断(也要放在主句之后,但不能与because 换用)。比较:
The ground is wet,for (=because) it rained last night. 地面是湿的,因为昨晚下过雨。
It must have rained last night,for the ground is wet this morning. 昨晚一定下过雨,你看今天早上地面是湿的。(此句不能用 because 代 for)
作者: yeyeshane 时间: 2012-9-21 16:47
作者: xuganwilliam 时间: 2012-9-21 17:24
是做 non-restrictive modifier 修饰前面的its own system
作者: HarrisZheng 时间: 2012-9-21 17:32
identify A for B 的结构
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-21 17:59
标题: 是做 non-restrictive modifier 修饰前面的its own system
你好,因为我从来没有见过 过去分词作定语被逗号隔开的(句中除外), 可否另举一例?或者给出一个确切的出处来? non-restrictive modifiier
作者: xuganwilliam 时间: 2012-9-21 18:05
modifier有 restrictive 和 non-restrictive两种,曼哈顿上面说,你可以用有没有逗号简单的区分,有逗号的是非限定,没的是限定性的。。更精准是用意思来区分
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-21 18:32
标题: The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons of American liter
我看了曼哈顿,找到这样一个句子,The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved by generations past and present. 这是过去分词作 non_restrict modifier ,但是我们会发现在它的逻辑主语是句子的主语。我们见到大多句子都是这样,你有否见过和我上面完全相同的句子,能否举出一例
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-21 22:08
张道真(2002) 在《实用英语语法》提出:副词偶尔也可以用作定语修饰名词:
(14)The students here are all very kind to my sister.(这儿的学生对我妹妹很好。)
(15)The above sentences are very important.(上面的句子是很重要的。)
(16)a. This job will takes quite some time. (这工作需要很长时间)
b. She’s rather a fool.(她真是一个傻子)
(17)a. the way ahead(前面的路)
b. his trip abroad(他的国外旅程)
章振邦(1997)认为例(16)a句中的副词quite修饰some time,表示颇有一些时间;b句中的rather修饰名词词组a fool(真是一个傻子)。例(17)中副词ahead和abroad放在名词之后作名词的后置定语。
此外,英语中的“副+名”还有更多的例子:an away team(客队),the then government(当时的政府),now worry(如今的操心事)。另外,副词还可以作后置定语: 如 The way ahead(前面的路), the sentence below(后面的句子), your friends here(你这里的朋友们)等等。
(18)The man there is my brother(那里的男人是我的弟弟)。
(19)This race, which went on for exactly 4 months, was the last of its kind.(这场整整持续了四个月的比赛是此类比赛中的最后一项)。
很显然例(19)“exactly”不是修饰整句的。“exactly”为副词,在朗文词典中解释为“used to emphasize that a number, amount, or piece of information is or should be completely correct in every detail.”**由上可看出,“exactly”能够用来强调一个数字,如例(19)句中的“4 months”。再如:
(20)It’s exactly half past five. (现在正好五点半)
(21)The figures may not be exactly right, but they’re close enough.(这些数字不一定完全准确,但是已经很接近了。)
(22)The boy there is my little brother. (那里的那个男孩儿是我弟弟)
(23)The statement above was issued yesterday. (以上声明是昨天发表的)
(24)We are told that there were two hundred employees, chiefly children. (我们被告知那有200个雇员,主要是孩子。)
(25)The people here today were mainly women and children and elderly people, and the place was packed.(今天这里的人主要是女人孩子以及老人,整个地方都被挤满了。)
(26)Some footcare products are very useful, especially competitive brands(一些足疗保健产品很有用,特别是有竞争力的牌子)
(27)It was Elizabeth’s first trip abroad.(这是伊丽莎白第一次国外之旅)3、 少数时间副词可以修饰名词,作前置或者后置定语,表示人所处的时间。例如:
(28)It was fine the day before. (前一天天气不错)
(29)The then president ordered these books.(当时的校长订的这些书)
(30)It is rather a find.(这是一个相当好的发现)
(31)Even a child could look up all the information needed.(甚至一个小孩子都能查找到所需要的信息)
(32)He is quite a man.(他真是个男子汉)
结 语
作者: sisichen666 时间: 2012-9-21 22:28
many of the earliest known images of hindu deities in india date from the time of the Kushan Epire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or Gandharan grey schist
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-22 00:08
标题: Many of the earliest known images of Hindu deities in India :
56.Many of the earliest known images of Hindu deities in India date from the time of the Kushan Empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura orGandharan grey schist.
(A)Empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or
(B)Empire, fashioned from either the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from
(C)Empire, either fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or
(D)Empire and either fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from
(E)Empire and were fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from
你怎么告诉我一个错的句子呢? 另外就算从结构上也不对啊。那个明显是修饰主语的,和主语有逻辑上的主谓关系!
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-22 00:10
56.Many of the earliest known images of Hindu deities in India date from the time of the Kushan Empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura orGandharan grey schist.
(A)Empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or
(B)Empire, fashioned from either the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from
(C)Empire, either fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or
(D)Empire and either fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from
(E)Empire and were fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from
你怎么告诉我一个错的句子呢? 另外就算从结构上也不对啊。那个明显是修饰主语的,和主语有逻辑上的主谓关系!
作者: sisichen666 时间: 2012-9-22 00:44
作者: sisichen666 时间: 2012-9-22 00:48
作者: xuganwilliam 时间: 2012-9-22 05:31
曼哈顿还说 noun-modifier有 touch rule,但是OG上面违反的很多。。但是你touch是最好的。。
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-22 06:55
标题: The old man went into the room, supported by his wife
事实上你说的那个答案我也详细的看了,正是对那个选项a的解释我感到很不以为然!请看上边的句子,按oa的说法那肯定是room is supported by his wife因为最近的名词就是room。所以我觉得这个解释是很有问题的或者是很不够详细的!而且我在阅读的过程中遇到的过去分词修饰主语的远比修饰前边名词(有逗号隔开)要多的多。
分词怎么判断逻辑主语啊? OG12 56,66
56.Many of the earliest known images of Hindu deities in India date from the time of the Kushan Empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura orGandharan grey schist.
(A)Empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or
(B)Empire, fashioned from either the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from
(C)Empire, either fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or
(D)Empire and either fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from
(E)Empire and were fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from
Logical predication; Parallelism
The sentence makes two claims about the earliest known images of Hindu deities in India: They date from the Kushan Empire, and they are made from sandstone or schist. The clearest, most effective way to incorporate these two claims into a single sentence is to provide two parallel predicates for the single subject, the earliest known images of Hindu deities in India.
The two options of media, presented as either/or choices, must also be given in parallel structure: eitherfrom ...orfrom ... or from either... or....
A Placement of the modifier fashioned...suggests that the Empire (the closest noun),not the images of the deities, was fashioned out of these materials; to parallel either from, the preposition from should also follow or.
B Parallelism requires that either precede the first appearance offrom or that the second appearance offrom be eliminated.
C As in A and B, the placement of the modifier after Empire is misleading; parallelism requires that the phrase fashionedfrom, or another comparable verb and preposition, follow or.
D Parallelism requires that a verb follow or, since a verb follows either.
E Correct. Two verbs, date and were fashioned, introduce parallel predicates for the subject, earliest known images; the choices of media are correctly presented with the structure either from ... or from.
The correct answer is E.
fashioned...suggests that the Empire (the closest noun) fashioned 修饰紧跟的名词empire
OG 12-66
66.The 32 species that make up the dolphin family are closely related to whales and in fact include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet long and is famous for its aggressive hunting pods.
(A)include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet long and is
(B)include the animal known as the killer whale, growing as big as 30 feet long and
(C)include the animal known as the killer whale, growing up to 30 feet long and being
(D)includes the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow as big as 30 feet long and is
(E)includes the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet long and it is
Rhetorical construction; Agreement
The subject of the sentence is the 32 species that make up the dolphin family, and the sentence makes two claims about them: They are closely related, and they include the killer whale. The relative pronoun which restates the object of the second verb, reintroducing the animal known as the killer whale as the subject of a relative clause followed by two parallel verbs: can grow and is famous.
A Correct. In this concise sentence, verbs agree in number with their subjects and the relative pronoun which indicates clearly that the animal known as the killer whale is the subject of the verbs in the dependent clause.
B Changing theverb to the participial growing introduces ambiguity, because it could refer back to the subject of the sentence (32 species).
C The participial growing might refer to the 32 species; the introduction of being is unnecessarily wordy and adds nothing in terms of meaning.
D as big as is an idiomatically incorrect expression of the comparison; the plural verb form include is needed to match the plural subject the 32 species.
E It simply restates the subject of the previous phrase, introducing more words but no additional meaning; the singular verb formincludes should be the plural form include.
66题又说是指代句子的主语(32 specise)
分词到底应该指代什么啊 是紧靠前的名词还是句子的主语???
[本帖最后由 doudoulong1302 于 2010-03-13 20:46:39 编辑]
作者: sisichen666 时间: 2012-9-22 09:26
对于现在分词在句尾被逗号隔开的使用有三种可能,一种修饰主语(主句为:主系表结构),一种做伴随状语,一种结果状语——为什么og12 66选择A?是因为A中,which就近修饰the killer whale,没有歧义!!,而BC来讲,doing在句尾的使用会造成修饰主语的歧义,那么就没有使用which来的更准确
In general, the noun modifier (过去分词) must precede or follow immediately after the noun it modifies. For example,
“Shocked by the bad news, Emily ate two hotdogs.” Here, “shocked” clearly modifies “Emily”
“Emily ate two hotdogs, shocked by the bad news” Here, “shocked” modifies “hotdogs”
This rule is generally followed by GMAC. Let’s also look at one example from OG.
Verbal Review 1st Ed. 91 “In theory, international civil servants at the UN are prohibited from continuing to draw salaries from their own governments; in practice, however, some governments merely substitute living allowances for their employee’s paychecks, assigned by them to the United Nations.”
OG explains “assigned by them incorrectly and illogically modifiers paychecks”
Now let’s look at the second sentence:
"Tom nervously watched the woman, alarmed by her silence.
(The phrase modifies Tom, not woman.) "
By the same token, “alarmed by her silence” modifies “the woman”, right?However, here the issue gets complicated. Because by default we know that Tom is a guy, therefore, “her” CANNOT refer back to Tom. Otherwise we will have a nonsensical sentence that reads "Tom nervously watched the woman, alarmed by her [Tom’s] silence."
Let’s change the sentence a little bit, and now it reads:
"Sarah nervously watched the woman, alarmed by her silence."
Now the noun modifier “alarmed by her silence” will unambiguously modifiers “the woman.” The sentence read “Sarah nervously watched the woman, alarmed by her [Sarah’s] silencFor this reason, I’d argue that the second sentence is an exception and that tt is not really a good example. Here is a better way to write the sentence: "Alarmed by her silence, Tom nervously watched the woman." “Alarmed by her” clearly modifies “Tom.”
So here is the catch: In general, the noun modifier (过去分词) must precede or follow immediately after the noun it modifies, as the GMAC generally follows this rule.
作者: sisichen666 时间: 2012-9-22 09:39
曼哈顿还说 noun-modifier有 touch rule,但是OG上面违反的很多。。但是你touch是最好的。。
-- by 会员 xuganwilliam (2012/9/22 5:31:33)
作者: sisichen666 时间: 2012-9-22 09:57
对于您说的例子,说得再简练一点:og56 A选项,fashioned本应该修饰images,但是fashioned的位置可以修饰Empire,造成逻辑歧义,正确答案就是改正了fashioned这种修饰歧义的可能,变为并列句直接修饰image。
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-22 14:34
标题: “Emily ate two hotdogs, shocked by the bad news” Here, “shocked” modifies “hotdo
非常感谢您详细的解答!我己经相信你的说法也就是官方的说法是正确的; “comma -ed "恒修饰closest 名词。我只所以纠结这个问题原因在于这个说法颠覆了我原来所学(完全颠覆)
请看外研社英语教案的说法; ”过去分词可以作状语表方式和伴随,可以用在句首其后用逗号隔开如 Born in the countryside, he was interested in biology. 可以用在句尾其前用逗号隔开;The old man went into the room, supported by his wife
请看你举的官方的例子;“Emily ate two hotdogs, shocked by the bad news” Here, “shocked” modifies “hotdogs”。这个例子官方是做为正确例子呢还是非正确的例子呢? 显然 热狗不能被震惊到啊!!!!!, shocked 是怎么modifies的呢????
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-22 14:38
标题: 薄冰语法
如果以上例子是做为非正确的来讲的话,,,,那么显然外研社的这种说法和它举的例子都是错误的事实上 薄冰语法也是这样在讲, 这两种说法不能共存必有一真,我昨天是想有人能告诉我Gmat官方错了,
现在有谁能告诉我薄冰错了吗, 因为显然这两种不能灵活 Emily ate two hotdogs, shocked by the bad news” Here, “shocked” modifies “hotdogs”
这句话在我看来没有错误够灵活了吧???? 但问题是Gmat说这是不正确的!!!!!所以不是我认死理不灵活,而根本就不能灵活
作者: sisichen666 时间: 2012-9-22 18:49
您没看懂我给您举那个NN说的意思,两句话的逻辑含义翻译过来都没问题,但是就考试而言,GMAT的原则倾向于将v-ed直接修饰就近的N来考察其逻辑性是否准确,如果就像hotdog,shocked 这种就近修饰的话,就不会是正确答案。。。。。。而正确答案则会选择Shocked by the bad news, Emily ate two hotdogs这样的表达。。。
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-22 19:18
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-24 05:54
标题: "Each of them could have been reasonably accommodated without there ever be
"Each of them could have been reasonably accommodated without there ever being any danger of risk, significant risk to others or indeed of anyone who is entitled to a service being denied that service."
我想再请教你一句话,上面这句话risk to others 后面的indeed为什么不说 to anyone啊? of anyone是和谁并列的呢? anyone是接danger of anyone吗?
作者: sawayisa 时间: 2012-9-24 12:01
"Each of them could have been reasonably accommodated without there ever being any danger of risk, significant risk to others or indeed of anyone who is entitled to a service being denied that service."
我想再请教你一句话,上面这句话risk to others 后面的indeed为什么不说 to anyone啊? of anyone是和谁并列的呢? anyone是接danger of anyone吗?
-- by 会员 enkyklios (2012/9/24 5:54:23)
如果是to anyone,那么就是risk to others和risk to anyone并列,danger of risk后面要加and.否则不平行。
应该是 danger of risk , significant risk to others,anyone三者平行。
作者: sisichen666 时间: 2012-9-24 12:32
我觉得是这样的,significant risk to others or indeed(递进语气加强)(risk名词) of anyone who。。。。。。是前面的同位语修饰(可以理解为,对于each of them前半句提到的人来讲could be accommodated without being risk(意思我写简单些),但是对于others,甚至是anyone(who。。。符合条件)来说,却是significant risk。。。。
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-24 19:56
标题: 非常感谢
另外我也终于统一了中国的语法和gmat的解释;", -ed"修饰的问题!
这是我在网上不断的搜索找到的gmat上的我认为最合理的解释 贴上来和大家分享
1.-ed在句末,不管有无逗号,不表示伴随结果,都是就近修饰名词,,,-ed 修饰主语是有条件的即表伴随和结果是才行!!!
gmat官方太节省笔墨,而中国的教材又大都舍本逐末。直教我无所适从。 希望其它同学再不要有我的困惑
作者: sisichen666 时间: 2012-9-24 23:58
1.-ed在句末,不管有无逗号,不表示伴随结果,都是就近修饰名词,,,-ed 修饰主语是有条件的即表伴随和结果是才行!!!
gmat官方太节省笔墨,而中国的教材又大都舍本逐末。直教我无所适从。 希望其它同学再不要有我的困惑-- by 会员 enkyklios (2012/9/24 19:56:15)

作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-25 16:40

作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-25 23:50
标题: sisi还在不?弱弱地再请教一句话, 是关于介词短语修饰滴,我在论坛上发贴也没有大牛回
leonard's recent study has excelled that of her predecessor Ginzberg in debunking persistent myths about women's primary relation to the war as weeping widows ,self-sacrificing wives ,patriotic fiancees and loyal daughters
在上句中这个as weeping……是作为介词短语修饰women的吧! 但是women也不是最近的名词也不是中心词啊!! 还是修饰war呢?这句怎么理解才好?
作者: sisichen666 时间: 2012-9-26 00:10
咦?刚刚回了呀~~不过。。我想想还是觉得这样理解比较好:women在战争中的主要 related 是as。。。。。。。。。
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-26 04:32
谢谢啊,,不过这句话还是挺别扭,其实就算是修饰women也不好,因为作为寡妇……作为…… 和战争的关系也不是太合逻辑,因为先有的战争才有的战争寡妇,所以估计还是修饰war的,妇女和导致妇女成为寡妇的那场战争的关系或者全逻辑一些。
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-26 05:19
另一点,其实最让我头疼的是,我不想看到介词as作定语 可以跨过介词短语 to the war去修饰 名词relation 或者women, 因为你说了没有and什么的。不能用名词+介词短语(定语1)介词短语(定语2)
作者: slr257 时间: 2012-9-26 05:48
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-26 06:13
作者: slr257 时间: 2012-9-26 21:45
作者: sisichen666 时间: 2012-9-26 21:53
-- by 会员 slr257 (2012/9/26 21:45:56)
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-26 21:58
作者: slr257 时间: 2012-9-26 22:15
CD的错,呵呵,我当时点击回复的是一楼!我以为会显示就是对一楼的回复呢。。。。。另外,你有没有觉得using没有modify的noun?按字面理解应该是modify system的。。因为它紧跟在created之后。。。但是,这明显不合逻辑。。。。
作者: enkyklios 时间: 2012-9-26 22:23
自己的理解; v+ing可以修饰名词也可以修饰动词 ,所以我认为using 修饰的是created。是说用……的数据创造出来的system.
作者: slr257 时间: 2012-9-26 22:24
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