标题: OG12 CR 108 求高手指点!~~~~~~~~~~ [打印本页] 作者: tiankong702 时间: 2012-9-15 23:33 标题: OG12 CR 108 求高手指点!~~~~~~~~~~ 108. Although custom prosthetic bone replacements produced through a new computer-aided design process will cost more than twice as much as ordinary replacements, custom replacements should still be cost-effective. Not only will surgery and recovery time be reduced, but custom replacements should last longer, thereby reducing the need for further hospital stays. Which of the following must be studied in order to evaluate the argument presented above? (A) The amount of time a patient spends in surgery versus the amount of time spent recovering from surgery (B) The amount by which the cost of producing custom replacements has declined with the introduction of the new technique for producing them (C) The degree to which the use of custom replacements is likely to reduce the need for repeat surgery when compared with the use of ordinary replacements (D) The degree to which custom replacements produced with the new technique are more carefully manufactured than are ordinary replacements (E) The amount by which custom replacements produced with the new technique will drop in cost as the production procedures become standardized and applicable on a larger scale
对于正确C选项: 因为文末已经说了C-bone 使用时间比较长,所以减少了进一步住院的需要。这不就是说明了c-bone 需要重复手术的概率比较小了吗? C选项感觉不需要啊........ 求指点作者: 秀皓 时间: 2012-9-16 13:35
这个题是这个意思,我们要把用new bone比用ordinary多花的费用与二次手术减少这些东西省出来的费用比较一下,再来决定用哪个。 因为有可能我虽然我能换bone的机会小,但是使用new bone多出的花费远远多于这个省出来的。所以我们必须评估一下两个花销的大小,看看哪个合适。要是这个new的太贵了,我干脆换一个拉到了。 Extra Cost of new bone - possibility of repeating surgery with a ordinary * cost of surgery> or < 0 A,surgery和recovery是一起的,比了也没用 B,无关 D,E都是没关系的