Nowadays ,there has been a heated deabate whether gardes encourage students to learn.It is widely accepted that students as well as parents should not pay much attention on
( TO) the grades but the effort of students.While,(
你是想说HOWEVER, 还是Well? 感觉WHILE 是副词,不能放在句首然后打个逗号那样用)from my perspective,I am not in favor of the argument for the following reasons.
In the first place, better grades can totally help students attain much confidence,which will exert a powerful comfort to them.A student with better grades is always likely to show positive actions in term of social behavoir and will always follow their own steps no matter what difficitity
(拼写错误) they have to encounter.Over and over,students with better grades will always figure out some massy stuffs and can deal with some dilemmas,
(要么用连词要么这里另起一句)in no circumstance could they be trapped and discouraged.Rencent studies of the
(无特指, 去掉THE) students have shown that the mount
*amount?of students with high grades will express a more entensive study urge compared with the students with a low gardes, also they have more stability towards hard problems such as academic quedtions
(spelling mistake)and science experiments,which will be much more difficult for some students with low grades,for they do not show confidence
(太绝对,建议使用AS ..AS 句型。。。SHOW AS MUCH CONFIDENCE).In this way, grades really can encourage students to fix difficultities and move on.
Furthermore,better grades not only can get back the confidence of students themselves,but also can rellieve
(SPELLING) the pressure of parents and teachers towards students at the same time,which will also attain the attention of the parents and teachers and obtain the support of them as well.It is not a trival thing to say,as you can see,the support of teaches and parents is obviously vital to students,
(变为句号。分句)only withthe sustention students can put theis whole mind on the study materials and get back to learn as soon as possible.And the support of teachers and parents will emerge only if students can give them better grades.All in all,better grades can assist students eventually.
Admittedly,as I say better grades can encourage students to learns,I do not mean students have to put their whole focus on the grade issue,other things are not important at all.there is no deny
(ing) that there are other elements such as the patience of
(TO?) the studying,the interest to the learning materials,etc.But what I am essentially want you to know is the grades can really
(无动词)valuable to the learning ability of students.In this case ,I think enlighten
(。。。ENLIGHTEN的主语呢?)my opinion as well.
In conclusion,as an old saying goes_confidence and support can play a vital role In everyone ‘s life,also there is no exception in this case,in the same way as the grades thing works,we must come up with the argument that grades really can encourage students to learn.
4.同学你为什么没有在主贴上更新你的地址啊……= = 害我刷了五六遍主贴都没有找到你这帖子……
最后~不管你之后是在国内读研还是出国,希望这段为了英语要死要活的经历之后回忆起来都会让你为自己感动~ 加油 ^ ^
-- by 会员 d0gzi (2012/9/18 19:54:53)
恩 谢谢修改啊 今天一直在忙申请书的事 刚过来 差点忘记修改了 我现在去修改你的啊!还有 保研也是为了更好地出国 我的观念不会动摇 欢迎监督啊!