
标题: OG13 CR19 大牛求教! [打印本页]

作者: francescjcj    时间: 2012-9-12 16:33
标题: OG13 CR19 大牛求教!
A major network news organization experienced a drop in viewership in the week following the airing of a controversial report on the economy. The network also received a very large number of complaints regarding the report. The network, however, maintains that negative reactions to the report had nothing to do with its loss of viewers
  Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the network’s position?
  (A) The other major network news organizations reported similar reductions in viewership during the same week.
  (B) The viewers who registered complaints with the network were regular viewers of the news organization’s programs.
  (C) Major network news organizations publicly attribute drop in viewership to their own reports only when they receive complaints about those reports.
(D) This was not the first time that this network news organization has aired a controversial report on the economy that has inspired viewers to complain to the network.
(E) Most network news viewers rely on network news broadcasts as their primary source of information regarding the economy.
the answer is A .
为什么其他organization 发生的事情能说明自己家发生的事情?不是说不能这样类比的么?什么时候同类型的事情能类比 什么时候不能呢?

作者: baixuefei0524    时间: 2012-9-12 17:03
A暗示有另外一个因素对所有Major network news organizations 施加了影响。
作者: stlibai    时间: 2012-9-12 19:17



作者: francescjcj    时间: 2012-9-12 20:24
我已开始选了C 我A一看到就排除了 我以为其他事件是不能说明这件事件的
作者: monica928    时间: 2012-10-6 18:11
最后一句的意思是 负面的反应和观众的流失没有关系
A选项中表达的意思是:其他公司也一样 所以没关系
作者: 菁ing    时间: 2012-10-10 15:10
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-10-10 17:23
cause and effect reasoning
a选项说其他没播烂节目的新闻机构也收视率下降,有果无因,所以收视率下降和烂节目无关,所以支持了network’s position
作者: lovechun    时间: 2012-10-19 22:47
OG上说C Since the network did in fact receive complaints about the report, this statement is irrelevant.
可是原文里明明就有啊。。The network also received a very large number of complaints regarding the report.
作者: ch267310443    时间: 2012-11-24 08:54
作者: lesley0927    时间: 2013-6-16 07:12
作者: lesley0927    时间: 2013-6-16 07:13
ch267310443 发表于 2012-11-24 08:54
我觉得C选项说:只有当这些网络组织者接到关于报告的抱怨时,他们才会把收视率降低归因于这个报告。而题目 ...

作者: wellsli    时间: 2013-7-11 17:46
lesley0927 发表于 2013-6-16 07:12
我认为如果抱怨的人都是网站的常客,那就可以证明那些丢失的人和这则报告无关 ...



作者: tiny106    时间: 2013-7-12 17:13
 (B) The viewers who registered complaints with the network were regular viewers of the news organization’s programs.
对network进行抱怨的读者就是就是经常读他们报道的人,所以有可能就是因为这篇报道让他们不满意从而导致阅览人数下降,和network’s position相悖,可以说是支持了这篇报道导致阅览人数下降的结论。

作者: whnzh8    时间: 2013-7-12 22:00
作者: trasy    时间: 2013-7-21 13:05
whnzh8 发表于 2013-7-12 22:00
为什么我选的是D,D说这不是该组织第一次做引起观众不满的报道,那是不是就意味着以前有相同情形但是没有发 ...

同选了D, 求高手指点
作者: wellsli    时间: 2013-7-22 18:30
whnzh8 发表于 2013-7-12 22:00
为什么我选的是D,D说这不是该组织第一次做引起观众不满的报道,那是不是就意味着以前有相同情形但是没有发 ...

D 项  以前也引起过观众不满,但是到底有没有引起drop? 引起了drop还是升,或者不变? 就算之后viewer数量有变化,那还是说明has to do with,而不是position所说的无关。  


我回答完了,你能不能告诉我,你是怎么看B项的?怎么想的。 我认为:抱怨的是 regular顾客,也就是常客,不正是说明他们不会drop么,这不就从侧面印证了drop和抱怨无关么?
作者: wellsli    时间: 2013-7-22 18:31
whnzh8 发表于 2013-7-12 22:00
为什么我选的是D,D说这不是该组织第一次做引起观众不满的报道,那是不是就意味着以前有相同情形但是没有发 ...

D 项  以前也引起过观众不满,但是到底有没有引起drop? 引起了drop还是升,或者不变? 就算之后viewer数量有变化,那还是说明has to do with,而不是position所说的无关。  


我回答完了,你能不能告诉我,你是怎么看B项的?怎么想的。 我认为:抱怨的是 regular顾客,也就是常客,不正是说明他们不会drop么,这不就从侧面印证了drop和抱怨无关么?
作者: huizhuba    时间: 2013-12-7 15:07
wellsli 发表于 2013-7-22 18:31
D 项  以前也引起过观众不满,但是到底有没有引起drop? 引起了drop还是升,或者不变? 就算之后viewer数 ...

不是也是常客,我觉得应该翻译成 正是那些该节目的常客对此发出了抱怨 这样来看语义就是反向的了
作者: wywyvivian    时间: 2014-1-1 16:40
尼玛我想选D 我个脑残 无治疗。。。

作者: lemonjuice0    时间: 2014-2-28 14:15
作者: potentialwjy117    时间: 2014-6-17 09:17
投诉 不能直接推断出 收视率下降 (虽然按常理可以这么推测)

不能推测出   题干中的新闻机构的收视率下滑不是由争议报导引起
作者: GMATYedda    时间: 2014-8-20 02:00
potentialwjy117 发表于 2014-6-17 09:17

如果A为正确,也就是说所有news org都有相同的drops in viewership问题,加上前提 the network aired a controversial report on the economy (特殊的条件,别的org没有),就可以推出原因并非是这个report的问题。
总的来说,既然大家都有viewer的减少,那么为什么会是report的关系而减少的呢?因为原文中没有提及其他媒体是否有报道controversial report, 所以可以默认为只有这个network报道了

B的话,这句话是否可以解释viewer drop的原因?正是因为对report的complaints都是regular viewer发出的,所以viewers drop了?显然这句话似乎不太通顺; 那根据上面几位的分析,如果说regular viewer更容易留下来,那么为什么要提他们的complaints,而不是表达viewer的loyalty?显然既然是complaints,就说明complaints可能会造成这些regular viewer的流失, 即进一步推翻了原文的conclusion,所以错

C:我认为是反对主旨的,因为其描述大意是只有当他们收到complaints时候,才会将viewer流失的原因归于report;只有收到complaints,和原文中认为人员流失的原因和complaints没有关系完全矛盾了呀 0 0

D:不是第一次发布负面消息,咋地?原文又没有说以前有过drop还是没drop,况且,如果想表达这种负面消息会带来累计的情绪继而导致viewer的流失,我想原文应该会出现什么since three years ago 这种表示持续时间段的描述了吧?总之我看的时候会觉得挺无关的╮(╯▽╰)╭

E: 没人选就不说了(溜

作者: zzx576122628    时间: 2014-8-20 21:16
用helr方法 相关因果模式,把两件同时发生的事加了因果关系,评估这个关系是否正确

(A) The other major network news organizations reported similar reductions in viewership during the same week.
(B) The viewers who registered complaints with the network were regular viewers of the news organization’s programs.
(C) Major network news organizations publicly attribute drop in viewership to their own reports only when they receive complaints about those reports.
(D) This was not the first time that this network news organization has aired a controversial report on the economy that has inspired viewers to complain to the network.
(E) Most network news viewers rely on network news broadcasts as their primary source of information regarding the economy.
作者: apooolo    时间: 2014-9-4 19:51


A major network news organization experienced a drop in viewership in the week following the airing of a controversial report on the economy. The network also received a very large number of complaints regarding the report. The network, however, maintains that negative reactions to the report had nothing to do with its loss of viewers.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the network's position?
A.The other major network news organizations reported similar reductions in viewership during the same week.
B.The viewers who registered complaints with the network were regular viewers of the news organization's programs.
C.Major network news organizations publicly attribute drops in viewership to their own reports only when they receive complaints about those reports.
D.This was not the first time that this network news organization has aired a controversial report on the economy that has inspired viewers to complain to the network.
E. Most network news viewers rely on network news broadcasts as their primary source of information regarding the economy.

i have a following question regarding option A : how can we assume in option A that "the other major network news organization" did not air the controversial report ? what if the same report was also aired by "other major networks"(i mean its not something unusual .it does happen that two news channel air the same report ) and that "the report " was a real reason behind the reduction of their viewers .i feel that option A is incomplete in its text .i do agree that in causal questions we have to show the specifics of cause and effect but here in option A we are just referring to the effect without even discussing the presence or absence of cause!!
i guess option A is making unwarranted assumptions
experts please help
PS :: the OA : is A .i am not questioning the OA .but whats bothering me is that option A is making the assumption that i have stated above and i have read in many post of Ron that the answers in strengthening and weakening questions sud stand of their own and sud not make any kind of assumption
Ron plz help me understand
作者: visan_y    时间: 2017-7-2 19:14

作者: bessie_song    时间: 2017-9-12 17:11
个人理解:A中的另一家organization可能报道了也可能没报道controversial report,因此有可能存在产生其他导致收视率下滑的原因
作者: 贝西文迅    时间: 2017-10-31 14:47
whnzh8 发表于 2013-7-12 22:00
为什么我选的是D,D说这不是该组织第一次做引起观众不满的报道,那是不是就意味着以前有相同情形但是没有发 ...

作者: KELLY117    时间: 2019-7-14 20:49
zzx576122628 发表于 2014-8-20 21:16
用helr方法 相关因果模式,把两件同时发生的事加了因果关系,评估这个关系是否正确
前提:有一份报告(事件 ...

作者: Bensontuo    时间: 2019-7-14 21:24

這種題目是套路中的小套路題, 其實非常簡單

題目暗示了因果, 在要某一個單位或是某人他因削弱, 然後要你支持這個單位或是人的它因削弱的立場.

A看到馬上選, 他就是在說, 此結果發生的其他單位, 並無這樣的原因, 意思是, 這樣的結果必然有至少一個其他雲因發生的可能性。
作者: may526    时间: 2019-7-23 12:04
complain on reports —— viewership↓
B 提出是常客抱怨,这一点其实是无关甚至增强相关的。因为相当于在complain on reports和viewership↓之间搭了个桥,给出了抱怨和收视率的中间:抱怨节目——常客抱怨——收视率下滑,其实是解释了相关关系。


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