开头段: 让步+ 转折句+说明自身立场+三个中心词 (将接下来要写的三个中间段的中心意思概括成三个短语或词语) 举个栗子: 城市的高速发展是否提高了我们的生活质量.. (临时写的..言辞可能粗糙一点,我就表达这么个意思哈..请海涵..轻拍...) Admittedly, 城市的高速发展使得城市间的距离在层面上缩短了。人们信息交流的途径更多了blahblah..(一般1~2句话)。However, can we say that the development improves our quality of life and brings us more conveniency in every aspect? Perhaps not; it is also depriving people's time to enjoy their life , distancing people from their friends and destroying the natural environment.
(1) topic sentence: people need several close friends.
(2)general explanation: 对于TC的进一步解释。一般说三个比较大概的方面但是表达的意思要具体可感,虽然是概括性语句但是不代表他们是空洞的。 再举个栗子(糖炒栗子最好吃了..T^T).. Unlike strangers, we are free to tell our close friends everything. They know me even better than my parents do. They know the person who will steal my breath away , the flavor of my favorite donuts, the exact style of my favorite pop star and the sentence that I use most frequently.
(3) detailed example 就是编个感动人的故事或者用大量排比blow people's minds away.. 如果要说..close friends are always ready to help me. for example/ take ....for example.... 然后开始编故事..(有此想约个crush出去啊.. 但是害羞不知不合开口啊..跟爸妈说肯定要被打断腿啊..所以就问了闺蜜..然后闺蜜出谋划策..然后出谋划策的具体内容就是DETAILS. 按照江奇老师的要求..details没有三个并列就不要拿出来了! 所以我们开始宁死想三个馊主意.. 1)She helped me ask the number of that guy 2) she recommended a romantic cafe for our first date 3) she bought me a beautiful dress that makes me like a goddess.=.= 就举个栗子而已..)
还有一个万能的例子:一个实验! According to the results of a research或者experiment related to ...., / once published on *** journal or magazine, people live in the countryside are more happy and satisfied with their daily life than those people live in the urban area. 然后开始讲实验方法.. 高中实验写起来.. 随机从郊区选50人,从城市选50人。让他们做问卷..问一些表达生活态度的问题: 如..上下班几个小时,满意度打个分, 吃饭均价, 睡眠质量。 各个选项转换好分数,转化成百分制。 然后郊区人民得分 82. 城市只有60.... 城市普遍反映生活压力大, 睡不好,老加班,老板还凶各种吐槽..