
标题: 有关小米邮件的问题 [打印本页]

作者: 92dengqi    时间: 2012-9-8 10:40
标题: 有关小米邮件的问题

There is no minimum GMAT score. We will evaluate your scores when you apply.  
We do require a minimum GPR of 3.0 in your last 60 hours of undergraduate work, or 3.25 in 30 hours or more of graduate work.  However, if you are interested, I would recommend applying and we will look at your entire application package.

作者: Karmalot    时间: 2012-9-8 10:43
他是说针对本科最后60 hours有minimum requirement吧,没说只看那60 hours
作者: 92dengqi    时间: 2012-9-8 10:44
了解了 我表述错了 多谢!!

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