另外,没有哪个有前景的行业竞争不激烈的.作者: ninaluan 时间: 2003-7-3 16:14
多问一句,美国哪个学校有物流master呢?申请条件呢?作者: 青蓝 时间: 2003-7-4 16:26
这个网址可以帮到你 http://www.gradschools.com/listings/menus/logistics_menu.html OR http://www.gradschools.com,自己搜搜作者: 子溪 时间: 2003-7-4 18:08
谢谢青蓝!^-^作者: zgs 时间: 2003-7-4 18:19
物流 is called 'Logistice'. In the way, it is very mature in North America and West Europe and promising in China and Indian. Nowadays, it is changed to 'Supply Chain Management' , stiring up the new generation of technology worldwide. In the long term, it is a good career in China,