ISSUE:27. In any field ofinquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make importantcontributions。新手比专家更能作出总要贡献
Argue:14 118 The followingappeared as part of an article in a business magazine. "Arecent study rating 300 male and female Mentian advertising executivesaccording to the average number of hours they sleep per night showed anassociation between the amount of sleep the executives need and thesuccess of their firms. Of the advertisingfirms studied, those whose executives reported needing no more than 6 hours ofsleep per night had higher profit margins and faster growth. These resultssuggest that if a business wants to prosper, it should hire only people whoneed less than 6 hours of sleep per night." Writea response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of theargument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions andwhat the implications are for the argument if the assumptions proveunwarranted. 把当时考场大概的提纲写一下:1. 调查结果不全面 以偏概全:300executives的调查结果不能代表全公司,公司还有其他职位,不同员工 让步:就算调查数据准确,广告业不能说明其他行业问题 2. 作者假设员工睡觉时间长短是评定公司成功与否的唯一条件 3. 假设招聘员工可由睡觉时间长短来评定个人能力 貌似写了4段的,再加个开头和结尾
Verbal: 碰到老G的题,汽油乙醇老G原文,这题就秒选了,题目都没变
还有一题短阅读是关于历史上11000年亚种与非洲来到美洲的早期定居者问题,文章基本是驳论基调,隶属证据证明这个历史学家认为正确的结论缺乏可信,然后举证在13000+年前已经有,以及一些证据可能被后人因素干扰等等。 另外有一篇,是关于以前女艺术家的。说刚开始基本舞台上没有女艺术家,后来是因为Higher demand for musicians 其中很多演出是supplied by female musicians,所以就有了登台的女艺术家。还提到了第一位登台的女艺术家。后面有一题就问到了貌似怎么理解作者文中的一句话,原句不记得了,不过大概是跟女艺术家出现的原因有关,所以选了选项有Higher demand for musicians的那个。 Q:前两个SECTION都很简单,虽说我数学不好,但都做的很快,可到最后一套的时候傻眼了,我不知道是不是运气不好的原因基本全是图表和大的应用题,而且几乎都是统计题,光一题就花好长时间。 其中记得一题,图表给你了考察一个班(还是学校?)电子设备的使用问题,分别给了男生和女生数(具体不记得了),然后是5个电器分别的拥有数(计算器,电脑等),题目1问知道没有计算器,又没有电脑的人是——(数字),问既有计算器又有电脑是多少