标题: 阅读36套的一个阅读题求大神出现,指教下,拜托了 [打印本页] 作者: 李子木 时间: 2012-8-28 19:09 标题: 阅读36套的一个阅读题求大神出现,指教下,拜托了 Of Homer‘s two epic poems, the Odyssey has always been more popular than the Iliad, perhaps because it includes more features of mythology that are accessible Line to readers. Its subject (to use Maynard Mack‘s 5 categories) is ―life-as-spectacle,‖ for readers, diverted by its various incidents, observe its hero Odysseus primarily from without; the tragic Iliad, however, presents ―life-as- experience‖: readers are asked to identify with the mind of Achilles, whose motivations render him a 10 not particularly likable hero. In addition, the Iliad, more than the Odyssey, suggests the complexity of the gods‘ involvement in human actions, and to the extent that modern readers find this complexity a needless complication, the Iliad is less satisfying than the 15 Odyssey, with its simpler ?scheme‘ of divine justice. Finally, since the Iliad presents a historically verifiable action, Troy‘s siege, the poem raises historical questions that are absent from the Odyssey’s blithely imaginative world. (148 words)作者: 李子木 时间: 2012-8-28 19:10
题目在这里!!!!!以上是全文,请问这题的C和E 到底有何不同??作者: 李子木 时间: 2012-8-28 19:11
10. The author uses Mack‘s ―categories‖ (lines 4-5) most probably in order to (A) argue that the Iliad should replace the Odyssey as the more popular poem (B) indicate Mack‘s importance as a commentator on the Iliad and the Odyssey (C) suggest one way in which the Iliad and the Odyssey can be distinguished (D) point out some of the difficulties faced by readers of the Iliad and the Odyssey (E) demonstrate that the Iliad and the Odyssey can best be distinguished by comparing their respective heroes作者: 雅克 时间: 2012-8-29 08:14
LZ最好整理下贴的东西,看得好累眼睛 这道题选 C,in order to...这类题都要选择逻辑上层一次,即作者的意图是找两篇文章得不同点,而非这一句子的直译或同意改写。 关于 逻辑上层意思得 解题方法,建议参考陈虎平的解题思维。作者: 李子木 时间: 2012-8-31 15:37
恩恩好的,下次一定注意哈!非常感谢作者: 22691482 时间: 2012-8-31 22:59
C是说某一种方法,而E是说这种方法是他们各自的主人公。C所指的范围更广,E只指代了某一种。作者: 李子木 时间: 2012-9-3 16:46
这范围广就一定更准确吗》解释有点难理解也。。。。能不能详细具体点呢 谢谢啦