71. According to the passage, which of the following best describes a function performed by oligosaccharins?
(A) Regulating the daily functioning of a plant’s cells
(B) Interacting with one another to produce different chemicals
(C) Releasing specific chemical messengers from a plant’s cell walls
(D) Producing the hormones that cause plant cells to differentiate to perform different functions
(E) Influencing the development of a plant’s cells by controlling the expression of the cells’ genes
The best answer is E. The first paragraph states that plant cells “differentiate and form structures”
(line 3) when a “complex system of chemical messengers” (line 7) activates a “small subset of the
genes in a particular kind of cell” (lines 5-6). In lines 38-41, the author elaborates on the hormonal
system in plants by indicating that the pleiotropic plant hormones activate enzymes, which in turn
release oligosaccarins-the “more specific chemical messengers” (lines 40-41). The second
paragraph indicated these specific chemical messengers have specific effects on plant
development. Thus, the passage indicates that it is the oligosaccharins that directly influence the
development of a plant cell by controlling the expression of a plant cell’s genes. Choices C and D
are incorrect because the oligosaccharins are themselves specific chemical messengers and are not
said to produce any hormones. The passage provides no information to support A or B.
看了答案之后就明白了。但是答案涉及到line 3,7,5-6,38-41,40-41的东西。考试的时候如何把这么多东西联系在一起呢?(除了完全读懂之外。)如何对付这类题目呢?差不多的69题我也错了。
1、 The best answer is E.
2、 The first paragraph states that plant cells “differentiate and form structures”(line 3) when a “complex system of chemical messengers” (line 7) activates a “small subset of the genes in a particular kind of cell” (lines 5-6).
ETS在此说明一段前几句指出了chemical messengers的一般作用。其实,题目中问的是oligosaccharins的作用,但由于它属于chemical messengers,所以其一般作用自然适用。这里的逻辑关系应该是一种从属关系吧。另外,他简要总结了一段中的前4句,总结得不错,1句话代替了4句话,这是本段第一层次。第二层次是余下部分,提出了几种chemical messengers。在看完这段之后,如果我们也能这样总结段落层次就好了。本句解释是个铺垫,与下两句共同成为正确答案的论据。
3、 In lines 38-41, the author elaborates on the hormonal system in plants by indicating that the pleiotropic plant hormones activate enzymes, which in turn release oligosaccarins-the “more specific chemical messengers” (lines 40-41).
此句明确了文中最后一句(实际上是最后一段)的主要内容,即pleiotropic plant hormones、enzymes和oligosaccarins-the “more specific chemical messengers的因果关系。
4、 The second paragraph indicated these specific chemical messengers have specific effects on plant development.
此句提示了oligosaccharins作为specific chemical messengers对植物生长有specific effects。这里进一步说明oligosaccharins与specific effects on plant development的因果关系。
5、 Thus, the passage indicates that it is the oligosaccharins that directly influence the development of a plant cell by controlling the expression of a plant cell’s genes.
从第2句解释可知:oligosaccharins可以实现controlling the expression of a plant cell’s genes,这是对activates a “small subset of the genes in a particular kind of cell”的改写。第3、4句解释共同具体说明oligosaccharins可以directly influence the development of a plant cell,这是对specific effects on plant development的改写。
6、 Choices C and D are incorrect because the oligosaccharins are themselves specific chemical messengers and are not said to produce any hormones.
7、 The passage provides no information to support A or B.
wangyu73cn GG,
Your reference is always so detailed and logically complete
One of my questions in the reading is that I can't grasp the essence in the first reading
I just read this article today for the second time,and I found that after the SECOND(and slowly reading)I could make clear all of the relationships among the three items,but how can I get the "ETS的思路进行考虑"and arrive at the level that grasp the main factor locates among the plenty of scatted information? especially in the biologic articles
I feel that the most important in such article is the relationship but not some specific element.When I first read it, I naturally focused on the hormons and ignored the other molecules,because it says about the hormons through the whole.When I go ahead to the last paragraph,I could hardly remember the oligosaccarins' effect if I didn't go back again.The biggest confusion for me is how to train myself be more sensitive to the whole when I can't recongnize some of the key words.
Whether you mean that we must be used to collecting the abundant information and remember them natrually when we just begin the reading,namely that the "经常按ETS的思路进行考虑"?
Sorry I can't write in Chinese now.Maybe I didn't express clear enough because of my poor writing.However,maybe I'll ask for your help later if needed.
I'll take the test at the end of this month, Chou si la!
看了mumu jj在携隐的小教室对Nightingale那篇文章的分析也获益匪浅
只是我发现在书上做题和上机做题还是差挺多的:看书就能感觉到层次,一上机就觉得看到的是一片东西…… 所以只能强化训练自己上机做了。
上面提到的那个题目,我觉得只要抓住文章的Main idea 就能选了。开头提出问题Q:细胞是怎样分化的?A:基因是否表达,依靠传递信息的物质来决定那些基因表达,哪些不表达。后来讲five major激素是多效的,不能specific in one control function.而O是specific的,所以必然有O来完成细胞分化的任务。这样69,71,72这三道题都考的O的作用,选涉及到细胞分化的选项就可以了。
69. The passage suggests that which of the following is a function likely to be performed by an oligosaccharin?
(A) To stimulate a particular plant cell to become part of a plant’s root system
71. According to the passage, which of the following best describes a function performed by oligosaccharins?
(E) Influencing the development of a plant’s cells by controlling the expression of the cells’ genes
72. The passage suggests that, unlike the pleiotropic hormones, oligosaccharins could be used effectively to
(C)artificially control specific aspects of the development of crops
都according to the passage了,那么答案应该是从原文中直接得来,不应该有推理的成分才对啊,可是在解释中对第2段中oligosaccharins的“对 specific chemical messengers 有 specific effects on plant development”,就是从pleiotropic hormones的more than one effect取反推出来的,这样和69题(og11的119)的推断问法又有什么区别了呢???而且就算可以,这道题前前后后的寻觅,是依据一个什么样的主线呢?? 要怎么看出来去看第二段呢??怎么在最开始的时候定位在chemical messengers上???
也许是我太笨啦,可是我还是觉得大n的这道解释,或者og的解释很难在考场上应用啊,很难快速找到答案啊!! 请各位CDers帮忙解答下我的问题。。。。
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