In addition, even though to some extent, student going to university is to learn knowledge, so you may say that professor should focus time on teaching. However, to university students, self-study ability is a necessary and the basic knowledge is not the main thing that the professor should teach. Students should learn most of it by themselves. The knowledge in a high level is the core in university academic education. Hence what the professor should pay more attention to is the research, in this way, they can help students to go further.学生是应该自主学习基础知识,更高层次的内容是核心,那基础知识可以不教,核心知识教授教不教?楼主说了一半不说了,仓促结尾,让人觉得说明不完整
Therefore taking into account all these factors mentioned above, all the account justifies an unshakable conclusion that doing research is not only benefit for the professors but also contribute to the university and students.最后再点一下前面几点吧