进入面签对话环节。其实也没有什么可说的,基本上算是水果,签证官(VO)没有看任何的材料。VO一直在同时处理我们两个人的信息,基本上是老婆(LP)先说,我(I)再回答。 VO:How are you? LP:Hi I:How are you,sir LP:We are both here for our F1 visa.(感觉有毛病,哈哈) I: We will go to UUU University(我们两个像说相声的) VO:Ok,so you two will go to the same university?(Smell) LP&I: YES! (异口同声) VO:What’s your major? (指LP) LP:Master in AAA I:Master of science in FFF VO:MSF program? I:Yes VO:When did you get married?(看我) I:April,April XXth VO:Okay(操作电脑N久,摸下巴,突然转头对我们笑)Congratulations! LP&I: Thank you. (无语~~) VO继续不说话,操作电脑5秒 VO:Why are you here?You don’t need to come here. You can apply your Visa via, em, the bank, em~~(找东西,VO也会忘词) I: (抢话)You mean 中信银行?(真心忘了中信银行怎么说了,忏悔) VO如释重负)yeah,yeah LP:The sevis number is changed. VO:Oh, yes, the sevis numbers are changed. VO边继续捣鼓电脑,边说:When did you date?At here or United States?(真八卦啊) LP:We knew each other when we studied at the NNN University in China. And we go to SSS University at 2008 together. I: more than 6 years (不是句子) VO:Oh~~(点头,拿条,长出一口气)那祝你们在那边好好学习,加油努力,百年好合,白头偕老!(赤裸裸地秀中文啊,萌之) LP&I: 谢谢!再见!(果断中文回应) VO:谢谢,再见! LP果断拿绿条,我抱着一堆资料走人~~出了门,穿过排队的人群,出了两道转转门,直奔存包处,到邮局交绿条办快递。路遇同组J1的T兄,得知也是顺利且不看材料就飞绿条,一同办快递坐地铁,相谈甚欢,互留联系方式,美国见!