
标题: 毕业后回国工作几年后再出来的可能性? [打印本页]

作者: sighhh    时间: 2012-7-27 02:41
标题: 毕业后回国工作几年后再出来的可能性?
本人MBA class of 2013在读,现在wall street实习。和不少金融方向的人聊,大家对美国生活的喜爱是共识,但说到职业的发展还是想回亚洲,平台大,能make a difference. 老了再投资移民什么的。


我长期career goal是在美国做corporate development,这种工作通常从投行招。香港或者国内投行主要业务也是大陆,跟美国没什么关系。想问问大家香港投行到美国可能么?
作者: sugarsugar7    时间: 2012-7-27 03:31
如果要在美国做就别去其他国家了 香港投行做的是亚洲业务 无论从文化,方式还有接触的人来说跟美国完全不一样 回亚洲回美国基本就是残的,美国唯一的问题是中年危机 40岁的时候容易遭到裁员 不稳定因素太大,大陆的话 基本干上去就不用怕被裁掉了
作者: hkjenny    时间: 2013-12-24 22:47
作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-3-6 00:51
hkjenny 发表于 2013-12-24 22:47
在美国呆啊.看你几年混出来·40岁确实华人被裁的历害.我姑早年在硅谷微软做IT都在45被裁,之后连工作也找不 ...

That's the situation in California, or sometimes NY, regions full of Chinese. It is totally different in the real America.
作者: hkjenny    时间: 2014-3-7 13:00
backyardwan 发表于 2014-3-6 00:51
That's the situation in California, or sometimes NY, regions full of Chinese. It is totally differ ...

作者: hkjenny    时间: 2014-3-27 07:33
backyardwan 发表于 2014-3-6 00:51
That's the situation in California, or sometimes NY, regions full of Chinese. It is totally differ ...

作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-4-1 08:05
hkjenny 发表于 2014-3-27 07:33

I don't know about your background. I am working at a big 4 firm in Carolinas. I'm not saying that public accounting is better or worse than IT, neither am I denying the existence of bamboo ceiling. Nevertheless, the presence of bamboo ceiling is far more salient in California. BTW, I'm not a big fan of your attitude.
作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-4-1 08:23
hkjenny 发表于 2014-3-27 07:33

I admire the elementary education in China as much as you do, as I did everything besides graduate school in China as well. For me, one year of graduate school, $50,000 of investment net of internship salary and scholarship, was good investment as it brought me to a job that pays me $120,000 more than the comparable job I could get in China over the first five years. Nonetheless, money is not an issue. I make much more than I need even as a staff and I enjoy the life style in Carolinas and the career path of a public accountant, continuous growth in compensation and social status in contrast to career stagnation common to IT guys. Across US, 15.7% of managers or above in big 4 firms are from an Asian origin, compared to 6.2% of Asians in total population. It's just data, not to say 'bamboo ceiling' is a fallacious statement.
作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-4-1 08:39
backyardwan 发表于 2014-4-1 08:05
I don't know about your background. I am working at a big 4 firm in Carolinas. I'm not saying that ...

Don't take me wrong. I'm not saying what you said was fictitious. The phenomenon you described is very common for IT professionals in Silicon Valley. I totally understand and I am sorry for that. It is very unfortunate. IT has good starting salary but low career potential. San Jose is proud of its weather and big name IT companies, but not its tax rate, living cost and bamboo ceiling for non-Indian Asian IT professionals. Most of the times, you just could not get all the good things in your life.
作者: hkjenny    时间: 2014-4-27 09:12
backyardwan 发表于 2014-4-1 08:39
Don't take me wrong. I'm not saying what you said was fictitious. The phenomenon you described is  ...

作者: 路人王小华    时间: 2014-4-28 19:59
backyardwan 发表于 2014-4-1 08:39
Don't take me wrong. I'm not saying what you said was fictitious. The phenomenon you described is  ...

作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-4-29 00:04
hkjenny 发表于 2014-4-27 09:12

I am glad that you earn a good salary. I am sorry if this is all that you care. Besides, you earn less than I do in essence. Statistically, IT professionals earn a starting salary about 30% above that for professional accountants. Over lifetime, however, IT professionals earn about 20% less than professional accountants, due to the opposite development trends for the two types of careers. I am sorry if you tend to overlook long-term return and are obsessed with short-term gains.
作者: hkjenny    时间: 2014-4-29 14:02
backyardwan 发表于 2014-4-29 00:04
I am glad that you earn a good salary. I am sorry if this is all that you care. Besides, you earn  ...

一个刚在美国不久的中国人,一下子见到这么多的钱,那肯定是有小happy的。但您也别就认为您就是美国人了,我最讨厌的是假洋鬼子的感觉。还一直在show off您那基本文盲都会的英文。我觉得您的心态要调整下,不算泼您冷水,您还是中国人目前。等您真心努力后变化为美国人,其实和中国人探讨哪个行业好,也没有太大意义了,因为您已经放弃国内的发展了。您可以继续您的美国之路,一路凯歌,实现您的人生价值。        致未来的美国人  cheers
作者: hkjenny    时间: 2014-4-29 14:08
backyardwan 发表于 2014-4-29 00:04
I am glad that you earn a good salary. I am sorry if this is all that you care. Besides, you earn  ...

作者: hkjenny    时间: 2014-4-29 14:28
backyardwan 发表于 2014-4-29 00:04
I am glad that you earn a good salary. I am sorry if this is all that you care. Besides, you earn  ...

我觉得读商业类的,就别去想理工科了,再有发展,也和您们无关的. 智力要求是不同的.
没有工科,国家会完蛋. 但没有会计,  一样可以转.  因为会计本身门槛很低, 一个没有读这个专业的人,也可以轻易转过去. 但计算机等理工科是不能的.
作者: hkjenny    时间: 2014-4-30 01:41
backyardwan 发表于 2014-4-29 00:04
I am glad that you earn a good salary. I am sorry if this is all that you care. Besides, you earn  ...

四大在美国是很一般学校都可去的地。也算普通。招人也是巨大的,各层次全有。而您才1~2年硕,  又不是博。又是职业形的, 本科足否会计又无关'。本地有工作想业余i卖都0k·  没觉得如何。 你才来不到一年' 别拿英文忽弄国内人了'。
作者: hkjenny    时间: 2014-4-30 01:46
backyardwan 发表于 2014-4-29 00:04
I am glad that you earn a good salary. I am sorry if this is all that you care. Besides, you earn  ...

不过你9月到4月,才8个月都找到工了-挺強的。早点毕业省点钱' 你条件若好' 博士更利职业发展, 尤其到高层或大学。
作者: hkjenny    时间: 2014-4-30 02:05
backyardwan 发表于 2014-4-29 00:04
I am glad that you earn a good salary. I am sorry if this is all that you care. Besides, you earn  ...

之前感觉你像新生.偶然看到你另一贴才知你去年9月刚来美国。 难怪那么兴奋? 看来我感觉还是对的。 只有新人用英文' 连华二代都尽可能写中文和国内人交流. 多呆五年看您的感觉了。
作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-4-30 07:37
hkjenny 发表于 2014-4-29 14:08
您这点招势也就糊弄下内地的小女孩了。我建议您也把自己行头改造下,从上到下,一种若然abc的感觉,那您 ...

Sorry, can't type Chinese on this computer. I know you are kidding, but I have fiancee, so girls are no longer important to me. My poor English and ignorance about American culture could never make me feel like 'abc'. I am just a 'fresh on board' Chinese, who just deems US as some kind of global experience.
作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-4-30 07:41
hkjenny 发表于 2014-4-29 14:28
况且 ...

I have the highest admiration for IT professionals. I was a science student back in high school. Fact: In China, admission scores for accounting is higher than that for computer science, even in a school famous for CS. I admire IT professionals but despise your uncivilized attitude. If I decided to major in CS, I would have ended up in a much better undergrad school according to the admission scores for that year.
作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-4-30 07:50
hkjenny 发表于 2014-4-30 01:41
四大在美国是很一般学校都可去的地。也算普通。招人也是巨大的,各层次全有。而您才1~2年硕,  又不是博。 ...

Again, can't type Chinese. I am not a cocky guy as you are. I am a common person who simply knows what 'respect' is and what 'life' means. I understand that person skills are not crucial to IT professional. Nevertheless, I would advise you to develop basic person skills to avoid talking like a barbarian.
作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-4-30 07:56
hkjenny 发表于 2014-4-30 01:46
不过你9月到4月,才8个月都找到工了-挺強的。早点毕业省点钱' 你条件若好' 博士更利职业发展, 尤其到高层 ...

Again, I earn more than I am able to spend, so money is not that critical for me. I am not an outstanding guy. Besides, I don't really have a preference for career development in either China or US. I could enjoy either one. I appreciate your advice, though it sounds like one from the perspective of a layman.
作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-4-30 08:00
hkjenny 发表于 2014-4-30 02:05
之前感觉你像新生.偶然看到你另一贴才知你去年9月刚来美国。 难怪那么兴奋? 看来我感觉还是对的。 只有新 ...

If I could get any chance, I would definitely write in Chinese. It would make things a lot easier. I totally agree with you on this point. To be honest, I don't enjoy speaking English, partly because my English is not good, and I am deeply proud of my cultural heritage.
作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-4-30 08:11
hkjenny 发表于 2014-4-29 14:28
况且 ...

I would not argue with you about the childish topic about the superiority or ultra-importance of any career. There are hundreds of career paths that are awesome! Some of them may not even yield a sound return financially. Diversity is the beauty of this world. I would also not expect you to understand the importance of financial management, tax planning, performance management, etc. I am sure that you are able to manage your own finance competently, the only financial skill you would ever need as a non-accountant individual. I may have made a mistake to have taken the time to argue with you about your attitude. If you think your attitude and mind-set would help you as a person and a professional, just keep it. It would not affect my life and career in any way.
作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-4-30 08:18
hkjenny 发表于 2014-4-30 01:46
不过你9月到4月,才8个月都找到工了-挺強的。早点毕业省点钱' 你条件若好' 博士更利职业发展, 尤其到高层 ...

You are basically right. Just some minor adjustment: I came to US in May and found a job in December, among the latest in my program. Thanks for your compliment but I would never deem myself as "Ting Qiang De".
作者: hkjenny    时间: 2014-4-30 21:15
backyardwan 发表于 2014-4-30 08:18
You are basically right. Just some minor adjustment: I came to US in May and found a job in Decemb ...

你可比我写的多, 太辛苦了、你没上美本可惜了, 哈佛能收你的。你很牛。
作者: backyardwan    时间: 2014-5-1 00:43
hkjenny 发表于 2014-4-30 21:15
你可比我写的多, 太辛苦了、你没上美本可惜了, 哈佛能收你的。你很牛。

作者: hkjenny    时间: 2014-5-1 08:43
backyardwan 发表于 2014-5-1 00:43
我认为我是平均水平。如果您真的像您说的那样已经到了工作挣钱的年龄,却还是秉持浮躁短视不成熟缺乏全局 ...

您还是能折腾来中文的 我是说你可惜 为什么不早出来。 早出来机会更多,  
作者: hkjenny    时间: 2014-5-1 08:45
backyardwan 发表于 2014-5-1 00:43
我认为我是平均水平。如果您真的像您说的那样已经到了工作挣钱的年龄,却还是秉持浮躁短视不成熟缺乏全局 ...

作者: fandatou    时间: 2014-6-24 10:16
backyardwan 发表于 2014-4-1 08:23
I admire the elementary education in China as much as you do, as I did everything besides graduate ...

作者: jasonhu2014    时间: 2014-6-25 13:24
hkjenny    讲话确实有点cocky了,是不是工科男都这样啊。
作者: olivia瓜瓜    时间: 2014-7-8 17:24
作者: deeppace    时间: 2014-7-9 08:54
继续继续 !
作者: stmartin417    时间: 2014-7-31 10:59

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