73. “Fast cycle time” is a strategy of designing a manufacturing organization to eliminate bottlenecks and delays in production. Not only does it speed up production, but it also assures quality. The reason is that the bottlenecks and delays cannot be eliminated unless all work is done right the first time.
The claim about quality made above rests on a questionable presupposition that
(A) any flaw in work on a product would cause a bottleneck or delay and so would be prevented from occurring on a “fast cycle” production line
(B) the strategy of “fast cycle time” would require fundamental rethinking of product design
(C) the primary goal of the organization is to produce a product of unexcelled quality, rather than to generate profits for stockholders
(D) “fast cycle time” could be achieved by shaving time off each of the component processes in production cycle
(E) “fast cycle time” is a concept in business strategy that has not yet been put into practice in a factory
Answer from OG:
The argument presupposes that, if bottlenecks and delays are eliminated, production work must have been accomplished flawlessly. This presupposition is questionable, since there might well be flaws that do not impede the manufacturing process. The best answer is thus choice A.
就算有的flaws并不impede the manufacturing process,消除这些flaws也不会对题目的推理造成影响啊?不清楚为什么这个推理过程就是 questionable了。。。还请各位指教
根据题干,73. “Fast cycle time” is a strategy to 消除bottlenecks and delays in production. 而消除bottlenecks and delays 既可以 speed up production,还可以assures quality. 原因是只有all work is done right the first time那么
bottlenecks and delays 就可以消除。
(很明显这句话限定了bottlenecks and delays消除的原因必须是flawless=done right the first time, 而这种假设就是A答案。如果没有这个条件,那么当这里没有bottlenecks and delays时,同样可能存在其他原因时造成flaw,就不能得到题干的结论)
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