Argument是 The following appeared in an editorial in a business magazine. Although the sales of Whirlwind video games have declined over the past two years, a recent survey of video-game players suggests that this sales trend is about to be reversed. The survey asked video-game players what features they thought were most important in a video game. According to the survey, players prefer games that provide lifelike graphics, which require the most up-to-date computers. Whirlwind has just introduced several such games with an extensive advertising campaign directed at people ten to twenty-five years old, the age-group most likely to play video games. It follows, then, that the sales of Whirlwind video games are likely to increase dramatically in the next few months. Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
有一道是 The movie was very quiet, the music ... _______ and ..., drawing attention to the aural nuance as it does to visual details. 不好意思 省略点部分是忘记了的部分,空就是在music后面,是选两词的,答案大概有creatively, sparingly, liberally, generously, judiciously, negatively, 不知道是不是该选creatively, judiciously。由于考试忘记judiciously和sparingly的意思,我选的是sparingly。 悲剧。
还有一道题是 To have ________ book reviews is in defense of the value and ... hope that the author, having his/her __________ pointed out, secretly knows that it could be improved. 第一个空的选项有 frank (不确定这个是不是), adverse, hortatory, 第二个空的选项有transgression, strength, assumption. 我当时选的hortatory and strength,不知道对不对。
下面是阅读的回忆: 1. Red Maple 大意是由于全球二氧化碳的增多,全球变暖,北美的红枫的光合作用加强了,数量增多了。但是这并不是唯一原因,因为跟红枫的增长量比不上其他树木,这里主要指的是oak。另外有人认为红枫的增加与人们对fire的控制有关,因为红枫比起其他树木,对fire更敏感。然后还说红枫的一个unique ability就是能在both young and mature forest里面存活(有道题目就让你选择可以从文中推断出红枫与Oak相比的特殊之处),然后又说到了deer要吃oak的seeds, 特别是夏天oak疯长的时候,但是不吃红枫的seeds,只吃红枫的twig。
2. USA 这篇文章讲的是一个作家在1920到1930年期间曾被人成为那一代作家中最promising的,但是后来某个评论家在一九五几年的研究的时候说he was very near to the neglected rank of authors.然后分析原因,是因为二战导致他的写作风格改变了,他之前写的是very social and politically radical的文章,但是在二战期间,写了一本很immodest的书叫USA(有道题让选择了跟作者观点最相近的说法,我选择了跟immodest相近的那个)。后来1945年后这个作家在政治上的影响力越来越大,但是由于他写的这边USA的书,别人以为他是conservative的,所以导致别的政治家忽略了他二战前radical的作品(这里也有考题)。
7. Female translation 讲18世纪,女性出版一本书是被认作perilous prospect,不被主流社会认可,非常risky。所以那个时期的女性publish 更为longstanding的method是出版翻译刊物,由于翻译刊物被主流社会认为是没有附加译者自己思想的刊物,所以对性别的限制很小,但实际上,那个时期的女性通过选择翻译的样本,添加前言,注释,interpretation等等方式,把自己的观点融入到了翻译的作品中,被翻译出来的作品已经很难得说得上是没有译者观点的作品了。第一题是多选题,选出作者会认同的那项,A是说主流社会对翻译物的看法,B是说translation是女性出版最common的form, C是说女性出版翻译物的真实意图,我把ABC都选了,AC肯定是对的,B我犹豫了很久,因为文中说的是longstanding method,没有说most common form,不过最后还是选了。
8. Prefer history to fiction 这是篇长阅读吧,比较难,最后时间不够了,题目都是猜的。讲的是主流观点认为相比于阅读fiction, 女性应该更喜欢读history,因为后者显得更intellectual,然后就谈到了一个女性作家的作品中的一对姐妹,姐姐喜欢history,妹妹喜欢fiction,于是姐姐更smart。再后面我就不怎么看得懂了,出现了好几个人名,大概意思好像是这种看法牵涉到了女权主义的问题,另一个作家在她的书中就写到不喜欢全是男人而没有女性存在的书,文章最后讲到了一个paradox,好像是一个作家在书中表达的意思和她本人的真实想法不同?更适合做philosopher,而不是historian.