Q3:第三题稍微比一二题要差些,也许没有时间准备的关系吧。说实话,希望楼主不要介意,只听懂了说学校要取消scalpture 的课程,女孩子有点upset之后的理由都没怎么听懂。lz浪费太多时间在想怎么回答了。其实关于校园的问题应该最好得分的。建议楼主可以用这个模板来练习。 - In the notice, the university is going to close down the sculpture course. because 简略说一下....不要浪费太多时间 - The female student is upset about this notice. - because in her opinion, first of all........, in addition...... 慢慢说,不需要把听到的和读到的都说出来。说重点,做笔记的时候也是,很难避免写了不需要说的,所以说之前的30秒,就把笔记里重点的打圈,然后说的时候就看自己怎么把圈圈里的东西结合在一起。多练习,主义发音,lz的口音还是比较重,我是中国人,所以我还是大概能猜到,但是改卷的是老外,他们听起来也许会更吃力。作者: cevf 时间: 2012-7-21 04:21
Q4, 这题答得很不错。但还是发音,最后那句没听懂。楼主的答题模板很好。这一题怎么说了,就是还是那句,练练发音,说得别太急。大部分都很明了,就是中间有几句比较没听懂。这题不错。
Q5, 还是模板很好,楼主有点英音又混和着一点美音,建议还是练回美音,因为两种口音混合得有时候听不太清楚。例如 computer lab。楼主的lab说的是英音。在楼主的模板上,我想给楼主一个小小的建议。这题我考试的时候拿了满分,所以希望楼主也能拿满分。 我发现楼主的模板跟我有点像,但有一点点不同。如果是我呢,我会这么说. The problem here is that............ The male student has given her two solutions. The first one is......... and the second one is ...... (我发现楼主这里详细说了两个solution导致后面说自己观点的时候没有太多时间。其实这里不需要详细说,因为重点在后面看我们怎么选择solution还有我们的理由) If i were the girl, I would go for the second solution. The first solution doesn't sound too good because she would need to focus on her paper at a quiet place. The computer lab is too noisy. The second solution sounds better because.....(这里说一下理由) 如果有时间的话,可以总结一下 ( overall, the second solution is preferred to solve the problem)作者: cevf 时间: 2012-7-21 04:36
Q6: 楼主一开始讲了太多不是重点的东西,导致最后第二个factor没有说完。建议楼主开门见山,相反,如果到了后面还有时间多,还可以概括一下全文。 如果是我,我可能会这么说: in this lecture, the professor said that product quality plays an important role in consumer's choice. there are two factors affecting product quality. first one is reliability and the second one is the feature. Reliability means that, for example when you are buying a car, this car should work properly for a long time. it shouldn't have any problems soon after you buy it. Feature means that .........