比如 insufficent leadership, imcomplete strategy. 学校一看他们的教育真的可以成就你, 就录取你了.作者: 185905513 时间: 2012-7-19 16:25
问弱点,其实也是考察你的应变能力,不能把你的真实弱点暴露出来,写些不痛不痒的内容,似贬尤褒 ,比如说,我觉得自己对自己要求过于严苛,太完美主义,凡事都要求自己做到最好,殊不知人无完人什么什么的。不过文书这块我都不是自己亲自动手的,对自己的英语水平没啥信心 哈哈 。后来偶上淘宝找了三家代写的,对比下来发现有个叫金大班的不错 问什么都给我解答 你们要是有困惑可以去找他们咨询试试 我国外留学的朋友看了我的文书 优越感顿无啊 哈哈作者: weidehou 时间: 2012-7-19 17:21
金大班....楼上这个广告做的隐秘作者: Karmalot 时间: 2012-7-19 18:05
那些看似是缺点但是可以转化成说优点或者进步的point作者: JonFrank 时间: 2012-7-20 08:54
Well, your recommender can write almost anything that isn’t an incorrigible character flaw. So, meaning if your weakness is you are too demanding, or a bit distracted, or you don't know enough about finance, or you aren’t yet comfortable enough managing people, all of these things are okay. What you don't want to write is things that are personal flaws that are hard to change like “impatience” or “arrogance” or things like that. Other than that almost anything else goes….and its good if they can back it up with a story.