面签过程: VO(相当开心):你好! I(楞了一下):你好!Hallo! VO:So,what is your university? I:XXXX University VO:OK。。。what is your major in China? I:My major in China is chemistry, and I will persue a master of accounting in America. VO(瞪大眼睛):Why? I(按准备好的解释,转专业必备):I choose accounting for.... VO(打断我):How would you afford the cost? Do your parents support you? I:No, I have my own savings in Bank of China and house...(正掏出存款证明+房产证) VO(再一次打断我):Do you have a job? I:No. VO:How could you have so much money?(他急了)是不是你父母给你的钱? I(无语。。。直接中文):你可以这么说,确实是他们给我的。 VO(相当满意的点点头):恭喜你通过了! I(蛮意外的):谢谢!Thank you, you are so kind, Bye! VO(饱含深情地):Bye!