1. what is a "percent change"? (you mistakenly spelled as "present change" -that's wrong. percent means %)
if it is a 5% increase (from 100 to 105), the percent change is 5
if it is a 5% decrease (from 100 to 95), the percent change is -5
In fact, you can show that the mathematical formula of "percent change" provided by the question is in agreement with my above interpretation.
2. The correct answer should be, as stated in the explanation, (100+S)R/(100+F)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/6/30 5:01:07)
1. what is a "percent change"? (you mistakenly spelled as "present change" -that's wrong. percent means %)
if it is a 5% increase (from 100 to 105), the percent change is 5
if it is a 5% decrease (from 100 to 95), the percent change is -5
In fact, you can show that the mathematical formula of "percent change" provided by the question is in agreement with my above interpretation.
2. The correct answer should be, as stated in the explanation, (100+S)R/(100+F)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/6/30 5:01:07)
恩恩,第一个错误是我打字的时候打错了,我理解的时候是理解的percent change, 请亲帮我看看我后面的想法吧,percent change 不是有正有负吗? 结合题目中说的F在上升,S在下降,我就自动认为F要为-F
-- by 会员 jane1102 (2012/6/30 9:00:45)
if it is a 5% increase (from 100 to 105), the percent change is 5if it is a 5% decrease (from 100 to 95), the percent change is -5
你看哈,decrease体现在负号里,换句话说就是体现在percent change数值里面
1. what is a "percent change"? (you mistakenly spelled as "present change" -that's wrong. percent means %)
if it is a 5% increase (from 100 to 105), the percent change is 5
if it is a 5% decrease (from 100 to 95), the percent change is -5
In fact, you can show that the mathematical formula of "percent change" provided by the question is in agreement with my above interpretation.
2. The correct answer should be, as stated in the explanation, (100+S)R/(100+F)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/6/30 5:01:07)
恩恩,第一个错误是我打字的时候打错了,我理解的时候是理解的percent change, 请亲帮我看看我后面的想法吧,percent change 不是有正有负吗? 结合题目中说的F在上升,S在下降,我就自动认为F要为-F
-- by 会员 jane1102 (2012/6/30 9:00:45)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/6/30 9:08:13)