
标题: 一道13里没有的GWD [打印本页]

作者: ttouch    时间: 2004-10-11 16:05
标题: 一道13里没有的GWD

In 1852 Robert Angus Smith published a detailed report of the chemistry of rain in a large area around the city of Manchester, England, noting that the closer one came to town, the more the city air would become increasingly acidic.

A: that the closer one came to town, the more the city air would become increasingly acidic

B: that the city air became increasingly acidic the closer one came to town.

C: that coming closer to town, the city air became increasingly acidic

D: that the more the city air became increasingly acidic, the closer one was to town

E: the city air becoming increasingly acidic as one would come closer to town

A凑合,但好象也有问题,大家看看吧! 有没有知道是否最初的GWD不止13套,这题来自另外的一部分?

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-11 16:16:33编辑过]

作者: LES    时间: 2004-10-11 16:12

In 1852 Robert Angus Smith published a detailed report of the chemistry of rain in a large area around the city of Manchester, England, nothing that the closer one came to town, the more the city air would become increasingly acidic.


作者: ttouch    时间: 2004-10-11 16:17
Sorry! 敲错了.
作者: tulipmontreal    时间: 2004-10-12 00:19

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