标题: Wisconsin RE MBA or UConn MBA? [打印本页] 作者: Gracespa 时间: 2012-6-26 18:35 标题: Wisconsin RE MBA or UConn MBA? Wisconsin的deposit都交了,Uconn家就发了一个TA,于是我纠结了;U的TA值不值得放弃W啊?请教各位! W家自费压力还是有点大,虽然学姐说第二年有可能申到TA,但谁也不能保证;U的TA一年,理论上是可以覆盖两年,有考核。 排名:前者25,后者60;我未来的就业方向是房地产金融,Wisconsin房地产据说可以排前3,但是这对就业好像没有实际上的贡献,看个人吧;U貌似金融还不错,insider说排RE前10。 两家中国人这个方向的真心少.....作者: equn 时间: 2012-6-26 20:47
Vote for Wisconsin...作者: Gracespa 时间: 2012-6-27 00:14
作者: lakeqiao 时间: 2012-7-19 08:38
Wisconsin. Higher ranked university overall, higher quality RE program as well. Many opportunities for scholarships around the campus, if you look around. The chance for scholarships at the B-school during the second year should be high. Good luck!作者: judge0dee 时间: 2013-1-14 12:07