一、 Stony Brook 这是今天上午面的,排在我前面的是@cpsteed同学。两位教授分别是印度和韩国的,都非常nice,韩国教授随时面带微笑,进去时分别跟两位教授握手,递上两份简历。 Pro: So you come from the same school with the last student. Are you classmates? (指cpsteed) Me: We are not classmates. But I know him from yesterday. Pro: OK. What’s your rank in your major? Me: 25 percent. Pro: What is your final year project? Me: The final year project starts in this semester, and I haven’t decided the topic yet. Pro: So your lab projects on the resume are not your final year project? Are they required by your course? Me: No. I asked a professor in Wireless Theories and Technologies Lab to let me work for him since the May in last year. I participated in these projects during my lab experience. Pro: OK. Why do you apply Stony Brook? Me: 我说去年石溪ECE的一位老师来北邮做讲座,当时对她的研究方向很感兴趣,后来跟她聊了一下,感觉石溪不错,后来又上网查了一下blablabla.. Pro: How many other universities have you applied? Any offer yet? Me: Ten.(实际不止) I have got an admission to NCSU, but the financial aid has not been decided yet. Pro: Do you have any questions? 然后我问了一下工作机会多不多啊,之后送了我一个鼠标垫就走人了。一共十五分钟左右,大致对话是这样,还有一些不大记得的问题也都差不多,问得并不深入,关于具体做的项目一点也没问,可能因为教授不是我这个方向的。对话过程中教授不时在电脑上记录,整个氛围很轻松。石溪明天在北京还有面试,希望对明天面试的同学有用。 下面还有北卡,新加坡国立,休斯敦大学的面经,回复可见