多问楼上一句投行应该在国内也有commodity trading的部门,如果觉得去trafigura是贸易公司怪怪的,是不是去找投行相关类似的工作呢?不知道commodity trading中台类似工作,是去投行发展好还是trafigura这类公司发展好?。 请教楼上。。。。。作者: Z060049 时间: 2012-7-6 16:33
Trafigura has a very strict trader promotion policy. You need to get recommendation from Board in Geneva to sit for an exam. Passing rate on the exam is 10%. To get board recommendation, you need to work in Geneva as well. The path would be working in settlement and try to get a trnasfer to Geneva. Anyway, it's very hard to become a trader starting from ops. But you should go since IB ops is even worse. Money is not good at the start. But if you can get a transfer to Geneva (which is quite likely), the pay is 7.5k Euro in Swizterland.作者: opensea03 时间: 2013-1-21 11:04