思路:+可得r+t= u2 (应该是2u2) -可得r-t=2v2 两式相乘再乘以2可得 2(r+t)( r-t)=4 u2 v2=s2 因此可得,r2=(2t2+s2)/2 (应该是r2=t2+s2)
作者: wangshibo2010 时间: 2012-6-24 08:39
134你说得对,我也算了一下,跟你一样的结果,参考答案算错了。 136题应该说得是百位。 140题,那是a+c/3, 不是(a+c)/3, 你仔细看一下就明白了。 哥们儿我再问你个问题呗,139题中,整数也算有穷小数吗?看题的意思好像是整数也算terminating decimal作者: racy0226 时间: 2012-6-24 09:12
请问机经从哪里可以得到?能发我一份吗?谢谢!作者: yli9 时间: 2012-6-24 09:35
哥们。。。我晕,我这名字很纯爷们么。。。 Definition of Terminating Decimal The word “terminate” means “end”. A decimal that ends is a terminating decimal. In other words, a terminating decimal doesn’t keep going. A terminating decimal will have a finite number of digits after the decimal point. 1/2=0。5 In the examples listed above, we have a few fractions expressed as decimals. Notice that these decimals have a FINITE NUMBER OF DIGITS after the decimal point. So, they are terminating decimals.